Jan 31, 2013 14:39





Illustrations and words by

Sarah M. Bjørn
Annette W. Bjørn



First published in Denmark

Text and illustrations, Copyright by Sarah M. Bjørn and Annette W.Bjørn

The words and illustrations are made with Times New Roman at AWB
Printed at AWB.

Printed in Danmark

ISBN: 87-0804-143

All Rights reserved



Gysse opened his little piggy eyes and looked around. He was lying on a bed of hay, along with a bunch of other little piggies.
His mum bend over him and licked his face;” Welcome to the world Gysse,” she said and smiled down at him,” come and get something to eat.” She placed a little cap on his head and moved on to the next little pig.

Gysse starred at the other piglets, milling around on top of each other to get near the food.
”Ewwwww”, Gysse would have none of that mess, he could get himself something to eat.

Carefully he snug backwards, farther and farther into freedom.
When his little legs felt grass instead of hay, he danced a little piggy-dance and started his journey into the carefree life.

The cleaver pig he was, he went towards the city, which was where the food would be.
He wasn’t quite sure what piglets normally ate, but he felt like meat…..potatoes and vegetables was fine, but just as a side dish, the meat was what made his little gums water.

After what felt like a lifetime of running for tiny pigs’ legs, Gysse arrived at the city.

It looked big for such a small pig and Gysse shivered a little, thinking about what the city could give to a newborn piglet.

”Well, no whining,” he thought, and drug himself up to his 1 foot height, snout in the air, ”you are a cleaver pig, you can find food and survive in the city.”

With his little head held high, Gysse trotted into the city.
There were a lot of different smells, all of them new to Gysses little snout. But the smell of MEAT, that was one he knew.

”HA”, Gysse thought as he was standing outside the shop that smelled so nicely of meat. ”All kinds of meat”, went through Gysses brain, and as he was a pig on a mission, he jumped on tiptoe up the five steps to Butcher Madsen’s butcher shop.

Inside the shop there was a wonderful smell.
Gysse stopped and took a sniff, snout held high.
It smelled of MEAT.

Roast pork and sausages, smells that Gysse recognised, even if he was only a few hours old.

”Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, come out, come out”, Gysse almost drooled with happiness and expectation as he said the words to the rows of roasts and sausages that was lying in the counter, all fresh and nice, just what a little piglet needed.

He opened his mouth and hoped that the meat would somehow fall into it, when he heard a new noise.

”A piglet”, a voice screamed, high above Gysses head.
Gysse made his head and his open mouth move towards the sound, and then saw the most horrible sight, that he had seen in his four hour old piglet life.
A very round man, in T-shirt, white trousers and a big splotchy apron, stood infront of him, a meat cleaver held high in his right hand.
“Piglets makes the best meat”, the voice screamed and then all hell broke lose.

”Squeak, squeak”, Gysse screamed; when the heavy butcher knife approached his innocent little pig head. He jumped the best his little pig legs would do, away from the knife. Unfortunately he ended up in a corner, and he felt trapped like never before.

”Have MERCYYYYYY”; Gysse screamed with the best and most convincing piglet howl, he could come up with,”I am a newborn piglet, that just crave some meat.”

Madsen The Butcher - it was him… Gysses future friend/enemy…. Starred at the little pig, standing there on his little hind legs, pressed, with all the signs of horror edged into his little snout.
”Pigs do not eat pork”, he answered in a tired tone,”pork comes from pig”.

”Maybe I am a special pig,” Gysse mumbled and looked up to see watch the Butchers eyes;” a happy, nice, non-racial, flower loving, but meat-loving pig?”

Madsen the Butcher lowered his big knife and ran his hand over his moustache and beard.” Maybe you are,” he answered, not ever thinking about the strange that he could understand pig speak” Lets give it a try.”

Madsen the Butcher grabbed a sausage from the counter and threw it towards Gysse that with a perfect pig jump cached it in his mouth, and with a few chews of his gums, ate the sausage.

With a hopeful look on his little piggy face he closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

Madsen the Butcher starred at the little pig with the big toothless mouth, and threw a pork chop in his direction.
Even with his eyes closed, Gysse made a perfect piggy jump, caught the pork chop and crushed it in his gums at record time.

”Am I a special pig?,” Gysse asked after swallowing the pork chop, petted his belly, and was back on all fours, his little cap back on his little piggy head.

”You are a strange pig” Madsen the Butcher answered,” I have never heard of a meat eating pig. Pigs are supposed to eat leftovers and porridge and stuff like that.”

”Ewww eeeeewwwww eeeeeWWWWW”, Gysse wailed,” how can you people do that to us pigs?” ”We are cute, happy dancing animals and you molest us!!!”
He stuck out his little tongue and spit, as if he had tasted the foul pig food.

”Hmmmm”; Madsen the butcher thought,” Maybe I can use this piglet for something special.”
He carefully went for the butcher knife with one hand and Gysse with the other, his evil little eyes shining with greed.

But the clever little pig Gysse were, he gave an enormous piggy scream, then jumped around the Butcher and galloped out the Butcher shop.

“Some day”, Madsen the Butcher yelled,” one day I will get my hands on you, and then it will be pork roast, sausages and pork chops I will get from you!”

At the same time Gysse was heading towards the farm where his Mum awaited, he had the thought that when he had grown a little, he could return to the city and the shop with all the great meat.

”And who knows, maybe there is meat on the farm too”. That was his last thought, before he snug back into the barn with the hay, the other piglets and his Mum, and she smiled at him, gave him a kiss on the snout and found him a spot with the food.

family, life, personal, Thank you♥, making stuff, nieces, pictures, story, sarah, writing

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