Jun 30, 2012 16:24

First of all, thank you to all of you for the kindness and hugs that I have received the past week. It truly had me feeling so much better. I do have the best friends ever! ♥

I haven’t done that much the past week, most resting, staying in bed and reading. Poor Mum have been playing slave and run errands and done shopping and so.
Apart from her, Sarah is the only one that has cared - which again confirms that I am lucky having you guys here...
Sarah and I have texted a LOT! - Her summer vacation, started yesterday, and plans on staying here next week…so she did have a reason for me to get better…she send pictures and small videos of herself to cheer me up♥

The weekend and Monday was mostly rest and sleeping as I was running a fever. I mailed to my doctor to ask him about the penicillin, and it turned out her is sick, so one of the others answered. She wanted me at the consultation, but I had to say no as I couldn’t leave the apartment. She then wrote that I had to take the meds for two weeks, instead of 10 days, due to my lack of immune system.
So that is until next Friday.

Tuesday Mum was babysitting Rebecca and Benedicte in the evening. That was not the best of experiences for her. Being with the girls was fine though. Mum made a picnic in the living room and made sandwiches and juice for them to eat in front of the TV... then they went in the bathtub and Mum was reading H.C.Andersen fairytales when they soaked.
They were almost in bed when my Sis arrived and the s**t hit the fan…She freaked out that the girls wasn’t asleep, then she attacked Mum and Rebecca for eating in the living room saying; In their house you were sitting at the kitchen table together and only watched the news on the kitchen tv.
Mum called me when she came home, almost in tears…she had done her best to cheer the girls up, and then my Sis attacks her like that…..I felt so sorry for Mum for that.

What turned out to be my Sis problem is this;
Nick, the guy she cheated on her husband with and for whom she divorced said husband, had broken up with her….I don´t know the reason, but I have a few ideas^^
At the same time her ex-husband has gotten a new girlfriend - in Venezuela. So he came home from the ship for two months, spends two weeks with the girls and then went two weeks to Venezuela to be with his girlfriend…
He’ll be back this weekend and then he is taking the girls camping.
So in the game between my Sis and ex-BIL, my Sis is the looser here, and she can´t handle that, therefore taking it out on the girls and Mum…..
I want to kill her.

But a good thing happened too that day; my cousin had her baby….he is ½ Turkish so I´m sure he will be pretty when he grows up;)

The baby 18 hours old

Wednesday I asked Mum over for coffee so we could talk a little, which was good for both of us I think.

Thursday I had to get out a little so Mum and I went grocery shopping and to the apothecary. Then I was beat when I got home.

Yesterday was payday, so I paid bills and tried to figure out if I can afford to have Sarah here next week;)

Today I went to Mum for coffee and a is nice to just talk, without it being at a time when she is slaving away for me;)

Other news;
I am getting a Kindle;) Not that I know how it works but I will work it out. A friend here knew someone that had a spare that she would send to me, so I can get books and read in bed, on the days where I am not feeling well.

I have friends here that have sent me eBooks, lend me their beloved paperbacks, and send me letters and postcards, emails and hugs…..

Just go to show that the best friends in the world is found online♥♥

The next is a link to an article that I really want you to read if you are up to it.

It is the best explanation on how you live with a chronic decease and chronic pains. Things that I find difficult to explain to people, when they look at me and say; “But you don´t look ill at all, why are you on disability pension?”
Now I know how to explain it in the future….

Last thing is for my fellow “Hawaii-five-0” fans. It is a rec and I don´t do that much but I have to do it here:
My new friend haldoor-honey wrote a piece in 25 parts, it is called “Overthinking” and it is just so sweet and loving and sad and happy and everything.

So even if you are not a Danny/Steve slasher, read this and you will love that pairing forever;)

And just because I always post pictures;)

Nanna and Balder

Just beautiful♥

♥Love you all♥

mum, i have the best friends in the world, lj, family, life, personal, Thank you♥, sick, nieces, holidays, friends, disability pension, pictures, fanfic, random

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