Thank you so much for your kind replies on my previous post, I hope I answered all your comments.
I had the doctor appointment today, and Mum came with me as usual..
It was the same doctor Barbara as Tuesday
(In the end of this post I will explain the doctor situation we have right now)
She asked how I had been since Tuesday and the funny thing was; Tuesday and Wednesday I had no “attacks”, and yesterday I had 2 forestages to an “attack”, like prickling in my neck and left arm, but it stopped at that.
So I told her that..
We talked about the blood tests, what she was looking at; kidney, liver, all vitamins, red and white blood cells, blood platelets, water levels and haemoglobin. And everything was fine..
She then asked about the ”attacks” in detail and I told her how I felt it and how I was during them. I am normal, can think and talk, just can’t move for the 10-15 seconds it takes.
Then she made a series of Neurological tests like, follow my finger, cross your eyes, move your tongue, stand with your eyes closed and touch your nose….I aced all of it;)
They she tested my blood sugar as it was the one thing that was not in the blood tests, perfectly fine…so the conclusion was:
She think it can be a panic attack, and said to see a few weeks ahead, and if not her best shot is to send me to a Neurologist.
So I got an appointment with my regular doctor that knows me in two weeks, and then I will write down if I get an ”attack”.(If something gets bad in the meantime, I can just come back)
I think she did the best she could and I am ok with that..
So the things about our doctors.
The past 25 years Mum, Dad and I have had the same consultation with two doctors Esbjørn and Kristiansen. Mum had Esbjørn and his wife was her diabetic nurse, and Dad and I had Kristiansen.
They have been there for us through sickness and health, depressions, Mum and Dads problems with my siblings, my cancer, Mums diabetes and Dads sickness and death.
So last fall Esbjørn got kidney cancer and had to stop work. His wife stopped too, to look after him. He send Mum and me a sweet card around Christmas, telling us thanks for our concern and that the Chemo worked well…but he died in January..
So the clinic got two new doctors to help out with all the patients, Esbjørns daughter Anne that will take his place later and Barbara, that is a temp. for now.
They also got a new nurse, the one that pricked me nine times. She is really sweet and kind and will be Mums diabetic nurse. We will see her Monday as Mum has an appointment.
I hope this all make sense even if I don’t have any pictures;)
♥Love you all♥