Nov 22, 2011 15:55

My brother called Saturday to ask if I could look after Sarah and Thea for the afternoon. What could I say but yes.
He dropped them off at noon then went to see Mum. I didn’t know that, but Mum told me when she came for coffee later.
Sarah and Thea had a present for me, a cardboard display of a “Minion”;) They had gotten it from their cousin and decided to give it to me as I love the minions;) I am the luckiest Aunt in the world.

We spend the first hour having snacks and watching “Tom and Jerry in The Wizard of OZ”, it is adorable and Sarah and I just love Tom and Jerry;)
Then Mum came for coffee and talked and played with the kids for a couple of hours. When she left, we played hide and seek and played with some Barbie dolls I have.
My Bro and SIL picked them up at six PM, just as I was starting wondering if I should make them dinner or not..

Mum with Thea Sarah and the Minion

The Minion with Mum

Being cozy;)

Monday Mum and I went shopping for Christmas presents. We bought some DVDs and Justin Bieber -stuff for Benedicte and Mum bought Monster Dolls for Sarah.
I’m going to buy gift certificates for Build-A-Bear for Sarah and Thea, but I have to wait until I get my pension next Wednesday..
Now I just need to figure out what to give Rebecca and Mum…

Speaking of seems to work, that I send you a PM when I send your Card/Present..I was a little behind, so some of you already gotten them;) I still need to send 21 to the far abroad before I start on Europe, but I will get it done I promise;)

Today I got a letter from the hospital in Hjørring, a town 50 kilometres north of Aalborg where I live.
They had a time for my Mammogram on January 31st 2012!! I got rather upset over the long waiting and called the hospital. I got in touch with a nice secretary that found they had a time on December 7th. So I got that instead…it is two weeks waiting instead of around 10 weeks..

Tomorrow Mum and I are going to a Church concert, with a fantastic trumpet player named Per Nielsen. It is a Christmas concert and arranged by the Cancer foundation.

Friday is Christmas opening in town, so we arranged for Sarah and Thea with parents to meet Mum and I there. As you remember we always have Sarah for that occasion, but now Thea is so big she want to do the same as Sarah..

Saturday is my Dads birthday, and Mum have decided that she and I will celebrate alone. She doesn’t want to invite my siblings as none of them have been to the cemetery yet and never mention anything about it.
We’ll go to the cemetery and then for dinner Mum will cook duck with the trimmings, my Dad liked that..

Sunday Christmas begins…

concert, mum, cancer, christmas, family, Thank you♥, nieces, friends, birthday, pictures, random

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