30 DAY MEME - DAY 27

Jul 12, 2011 16:42

Day 27 - This month, in great detail

Hmmm..this month is about two weeks right….and how to explain that in great detail…

I think I’ll do it this way..

Once again I have to say that I have the best friends in the world. It is not my RL friends, but you guys all of you…
I have gotten wonderful presents from you, both late birthday presents, and presents and letters, just to make me happy.
I have gotten lovely comments on my posts here both on the meme and other posts.

But more than that, I have been showered with comments and questions about my Mum, Balder, Sarah and myself.
This is not only casual comments because you have to! This is because you are great friends and family and care about what is going on with not only me, but my family too, all the way down to questions about my ”Bosnian family”…
If I ever was to get one wish, it was that could meet all of you….

I gotten defriended this month..but it was by someone that I didn’t even know was on my flist so…..

Some of you will remember my 3 RL friends, Anni, Bente and Berit…the 3 women I went to school with, when we all got through Care Helper education. As you know, I got a cancer diagnose three weeks after final exam, but they kept a hold on me..so Sunday 3rd we all met at Annis place and had a wonderful time.
Bente and her husband have their Silver Wedding tomorrow (Wednesday 13th), so we are going to see them with some flowers. We have all gotten an invitation for a party in August.
If I have to be true to myself I have to say that I never expected them to hold on to me..but they did..so apart from my two closest friends that died 15 years ago, they are the best friends I’ve ever had.

Well I’ve had Sarah here for a week and it seems like you all liked my week with Sarah;)

For those of you who missed it;)

Thank you for all your concern for my Mum and for Balder, it means a lot to all of us.
Mum and I spend a lot of time together, that being in the Garden or eating dinner together and watching British Crime Shows on TV.(Dalziel and Pascoe is a big fave right now as it is on TV every evening)

We do it more often now, and talk about Dad and how we both still need to grief him..in three weeks he has been dead for a year…


First I have my daily clicking to help in a lot of ways that are free..



The second thing I have here is a very delicate thing I think, I am afraid that it might get some of my flist to defriend me…
It concern Fandom’s….I have followed the interaction on Twitter and LJ the past weeks, mostly concerning dean_sam
I have written a post about my feelings on the subject, but I am not sure weather to post it or not…I don’t think it is so bad as it is my POV. Sooo what do you think?

I know I have some birthdays coming up, but I promise that presents will be on its way within the next days..and as for letters screamoutloud and shaunk00, I will write you ASAP..

Well to be true this is my exiting Month..if there is anything you want to know, ask me;)

Day 28 - This year, in great detail
Day 29 - Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy

lj, family, fanfic, sarah, meme, fandom, friends

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