My brother brought Sarah here around 1pm..and she started making plans right away.
So first we went to my Mum so she could be with Balder
The we went shopping, Sarah wanted to make rice and gumbo for dinner (we had been watching “The Princess and the Frog” last time she was here, and Tiana made gumbo)
After dinner we worked on the dollhouse and watched tv.
Saturday was busy…
We went to town, and Sarah visited a candy store where you could choose between 400 different candies. That was hard!
Then we went shopping for the dollhouse, and Sarah bought presents for Mum.
Later we went to the movies and watched “Toy Story 3”
It was really good, Sarah enjoyed it a lot - I’ve only watched the first a long time ago, but it was ok -
After the movie we went shopping for milk and butter and Sarah bought presents for Bongo and Balder.
Then we went home for a little while before we went to Mums for dinner.
We had duck and green potatoes (potatoes fried in oil and parsley) and gravy.
And spending a lot of time with Balder;)
Later we watched a danish movie on tv before bed and worked more on the doll house.
Sunday Sarah made pan cakes and eggs for breakfast - with a little help.
We watched Tom and Jerry cartoons and packed the doll house away…
My brother came for her around 1pm, but we went to visit Mum. Thea wanted to see Balder too, so my brother brought her too.
We spend a great time with Mum.
I was really exhausted when they left and I went home…Sarah was really sad when they left and I felt really bad about it.. I told her to call, text or write me whenever she wanted or needed to.
So I got sweet texts Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday I got a text ”call meeeeee”…so I did. She was home alone after school and wanted to talk, so that was fine.
She started to ask what kind of medication I got, so I told her it was for pains, for depression and some vitamins…then she asked about what Mum got and I told her…she was quiet for a while, then she told me she had overheard her Dad saying that Granddad(my Dad) had gotten some medication that made his blood unable to
Solidify, and she thought that was why he died…
I tried to explain that Dads dead was an accident, no one expected it and it had nothing to do with medication.
She then asked if I, Mum or her could die like that and I told her NO…
She didn’t have to worry about the medication and none of s would die like that…
It was so hard, because she was so scared…but I think she calmed down and I told her to call whenever she needed too…
I hope she will be ok…
Hugs and kisses♥