I’ve spend most of my week with my parents looking after my Mum and helping her look after my Dad….
He started out fine when he got back from the hospital, he ate, not a lot but tiny portions many times a day, he went for blood tests on Monday and then home again. Then Tuesday he started loosing everything he got down, causing him to stop eating. My Mum and I yelled at him and had to threaten him with the hospital to get him to eat….so now he eats even if it is tiny portions again.
My Mum is completely worn out by now, she had to work this weekend so I’ve been down there twice a day, around midday to give her the dinner I’d made for her and try to help her out a bit and then again in the evening, feeding and walking the dog, and to give my Dad something to eat and give him his meds…
Fortunately he is not dizzy anymore so I don’t have to spend the entire day there, he is mostly sleeping anyway.
I visit my Grandmother and keeping her updated on what happens too.
My crazy aunt called my Mum Thursday and bitched about not getting to visit Dad….then she had the nerve to tell Mum that it was for her own sake and not for Dads. She ”needed” to se him and bemoan the fact that her brother-in-law was sick. I could kill her without hesitation right now..she did the same thing when I got sick, called the family and her friends and pissed and moaned about how bad it was for her that her niece had gotten cancer!
Thursday I got part of my birthday present, my Mum and I went and bought a flat panel monitor for my pc, 22” so it is HUGE;)
Tomorrow I have another session with my psychologist, the one where I should have written the letter to my sister….as you know I stopped writing it as it made me completely miserable so I guess we just talk as usual tomorrow.
Spring cleaning is slow but steady….mostly videos and dvds getting sorted out these days, to make more room for my books….I’ve just bought the 3 supernatural books and Jim Beavers book, haven’t read them yet though.
I’ve also started writing postcards to help the fine motor skills in my hands, they are getting worse and worse along with my back….oh the joy of cancer treatment;)
I haven’t heard from Sarah, but my brother called Thursday to ask about Dad…no one hears from my sister.
That is how thngs are right now…..if I miss posts sometime I apologise…..I’m trying to find time to write the fics I’ve promised as I have some pretty good ideas;)
♥hugs and kisses to all of you♥