Oct 18, 2006 06:42

Quotes like this make me even more of a Demacrat!
There was a debate on NBC tonight between the senate canidates. The republican canidate, who has always rubbed me the wrong way (call it intuition) said this tonight in response to Cantwell's objection to drilling in Alaska: "Every two-and-a-half or three-bucks a gallon that we send to someone in the Middle East for our gas is going to come back to us, some portion in the form of terrorism here at home," countered McGavick.

I'm sorry but any politician that is going to try and scare me into voting for him, because of the possiblity of terrorism, has the wrong idea on how to win votes. It scares me that a lot of our state's population will think that McGavick is right, and that just because we pay for gas, we are going to end up bombed. The way to fight terrorism is to not be afraid of it, be prepared for it...After all, it is kinda a price we pay for being arrogant Americans, and that arrogance comes from the way our politicians in office act towards the rest of the world.

9-11-2001 happened five years ago now, and I am not saying that we should forget all the lives that were effected by that event, I think that we need to pay attention to how we have prevented similar events from happening in the last five years. But terrorism is in any country; it is everywhere we could possibly try to run to. I was in Dublin planning a trip to London at the time of the tunnel bombings. Even Dublin was on high security. Terrorism happens in Iraq towards it's own people based on differences within the same basic religion. No matter where we go, there is going to be terrorism. Just because it happened in America doesn't mean that we are the first ones that it has happened to. To scare a voter into voting for him/her because of possible terrorism, is rediculas. And it scares me that our politics have turned into a who can scare whom for more votes.

I truly don't believe that because we pay such a high gas price that that money goes into terrorism whatsoever. After all, we already know that the people getting all the profit from the rediculasly high gas prices are corprate Americans, profiting from their inturpretation of the "American Dream".

I am seriously frightened that our government is setting itself up to be attacked more and more, and following the footsteps of Britian as it fell from the world's super power. And the reasong we are going to fall too, is because we believe that we are the best, and that there is nothing that can compete with us. Well I have news for the American government, having a better than tho attitude is what is going to get us in more trouble than anything else in the world. And I encourage everyone to read/watch this debate before they vote in the next few weeks.
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