
May 24, 2006 10:26

Okay, I seriously need all of your opinions on this.

I just got a D+ on a paper for Dr. Olson, and with a C- on the midterm, and I need his class to graduate. Okay so here is the thing. I'm debating on whether or not to go ask him for a re-write. But I just calculated out my grade and I'm still sitting at a 78% so is the re-write worth it? I'm tempted to say no only because I don't want to put in the time and effort with 2 weeks until graduation and 2 more papers for Olson a paper for Callaghan and a portfolio for Whitcomb. So what are the odds, that I will still do better without the re-write. And what are the odds that Olson will consider me a hard worker and give me the benifit of the doubt on the next two papers. that is my delima, I appreciate help!
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