More Most Snoggable Blogs!

Jul 04, 2012 10:42

When I started snogging blogs I thort it might be amusing for a few weeks but now I'm hooked. So many blogs to snog and oh so little snogging time.

So today I'm surprising 2 most excellent bloggers instead of sticking to my list because I'm allowed (nods enthusiastically ... not that any of you are shaking your heads, are you).

The first is because of her most amazing pic - that is a new tattoo, folks - 
- and her post is most worthy of a read: Breaking through the wall (of writerly angst). This is the arm (and tat) of Carmella Van Vleet, who has only been known to me as Car on the Blueboards until today. Now I know her full (and rather fabulous) name and that she is a member of a blog I shall be snogging & lurking about at more frequently: MiG Writers

My second most honored snoggee is Donna Earnhardt @ Word Wrangler who has invited us all to come up with 15 elevator pitches through July.

I'd lurve you all to join us (yes, us - I need a challenge every other minute to keep me from scampering off to polish the silver).

I'm kinda hoping it'll be good for me. I've come up with a few already so here's one to help you to commit - I mean, if I can come up with one, YOU can ... and it's not intimidating at all when you see that this is the kind of rubbish that I pass for an elevator pitch:
'Think: Dorothy goes to Oz to find her parents and meets hostile munchkins, undead witches and more than one scarecrow without a brain, when she's forced to save the world instead.'
Or my next favorite (which might just be a real manuscript one day if I ever get the darn outline done) :

'Chrysalids meets Enders Game only without any skills and a lot less team work.'
See? Easy! No one is ever going to ask me to elaborate so I'm off the hook (which is where I'd rather be) and I won't need to come up with details that will actually make sense to any poor beleaguered agent or editor stuck in an elevator with me. Win Win.

Of course, you'll prolly want to make more sense so ags and eds are interested in your novel but that's entirely up to you. (Yes, I am waggling my eyebrows and grinning impishly.)

Right, I'd better go and warn Car and Donna that they've been snogged royally, and work on my outline.

Looking forward to next week already coz I've got more great blogs to snog!

Oh! And DO post a pitch in the comments, or better yet, go and support Donna in her creative vigil :)

(And happy July 4 celebrations America!)
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