Nov 11, 2004 18:26
Lol. I cannot believe what I am about to write. Something about this live journal thing causes me to feel very open. So yesterday for lunch I ate this Michelina's bowl thing that was southwestern - it had beans and onions and peppers and a really good cheese-like sauce. I knew it would give me gas but I figured I would be home before it hit. Well, fortunately, I was. Rob was at a meeting where someone had naughty dogs (I REALLY owe that person brownies now). So I was enjoying some time home alone and enjoying the solitude of a quite night of farting with the dogs. It was really horrible gas. I figured it would be gone by morning. It wasn't. A person with a weak stomach and any less love for me would have made me sleep in another room. Sometimes I am shocked by the atrocity of my intestinal response. I suppose it wouldn't matter what room I was in though, because I really did make the entire upstairs area of our house smell bitter and rotten. So for lunch today I ate cabbage - you would think I would get the idea and not continue eating things that make me spew ugly gas into the air. Interestingly enough, the gas didn't wait until I got home. It was about 2:30 when I felt the first hot air balloon prepare for departure. I was with a math group and something inside me (no - not the fart) but something inside me thought about how crazy the kids drove me yesterday and I decided to be tacky and gross as hell and let it go. I eased it out slowly and felt the heat melting my chair. Before I knew it, the stank was rising to nose level. I started to laugh because it was so retched and I knew the kids would be knocked out. (Yes, this is how teachers get revenge.)
I smirked and tried not to laugh out loud. ZG, a common stinker himself had just opened his whiteboard marker and exclaimed "Oh man!! These markers stink!!
Do you smell that? It is like rotten eggs!!! All the kids started sniffing their markers and saying Oh gross!!! They didn't even think about that fact that they almost had to touch it to their nose to smell it and the cloud was surrounding the table. I started laughing SO hard. I regained composure and went ahead with the lesson. I was really worried because I had Pilates today at 4:00 and you do all this rolling around stuff and I was scared the gas would attack when I couldn't manage to hold it back. Everything went okay though and I am home now. What a day!!!! =) (I lol still when I think about it!)