State of the Pip Address

Nov 10, 2007 23:49

All goes along hecticly in the world of teh Pipster.

oi vey.   I fucking hate moving. HATE it.  ALL CAPS hate it.

Jer and I were spossed to have moved last weekend, however due to stress, his gf putting on a production of Dead Man Walking at her school, and lack of general funds to rent a uhaul, we decided to move this weekend.  well, here i sit, in the lobby of jer's hotel, waiting on luandry.  lots of fucking  luandry. my luandry hates me. why is there nothing to do but luandry, it wants to consume my internal organs and turn them into cinnamon dental floss. ARGHHHH. yeah, you gotta love industrial sized washers and dryers that can do like 6 loads at a time. YAY.  most of the house is packed and ready to move except for the computers, bedrooms and bathrooms..  so tomorrow is gonna suck, heavy lifting and what not.

that and the new place has gas heat and a gas water heater. and the gas won't be turned on until later in the week. which means cold house and fucking cold showers. ARGHHHH

that and no internet  for a while, until we cal up charter (the only cable service in g'vegas) and have them install cable and cable internet.

OH, if any of my peeps live in GA, FL, SC, AL, or TN and live near a Publix, we're having our generic fall/winter holiday thingy called Holiday Fest this Tuesday, stop by for free samples.

And lastly, my manager approached me about an oppurtunity coming up in Tennessee.  Publix is getting ready to move into the Chattanooga area and the call has been sent out for CSM, ACSM (me), CSS (bookkeepers/service desk) and CSTL (team leaders, basically getting ready for management) to go and help open some stores.  I put my name in the hat as willing to go.  My manager also thinks that if I go, and the store manager and district manager are impressed with me (he's really impressed with me) they might make me an offer for a position there. Which means i might be moving to lower Eastern Tennessee. Sooooo yeah, big news there. Of course its not a definate, i might not get picked and if i do, i might not be offered a spot.  If i do go, though, Jer and I will have to break the lease we just signed which means losing the deposit, and paying two months rent. not that bad, but damn, thes a total of 1700 between the two of us, 650 is the monthly rent, so thats 1300 and then we paid 400 for a deposit. not to mention that he would have to find somewhere here in g'vegas to move and that i would have to fnd somewhere there and that would entail, dun dun duunnnnnnnn FUCKING MOVING AGAIN, I SWEAR KARMA HAS THE BEST SENSE OF TIMING EVAR!!!!!111ONE


sorry I've been absent and non commenty, but, yeah, working 50+ hours a week with 1 1/2 hour daily drive time suxors.

later taters
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