Title: Protecting Steel Hearts
Rating: PG to PG-13
Pairing/Characters: Jongkey (siblings), Ontae (siblings), Onho, future characters
Genre: Fiction, possibly angst
Chapter Word Count: 713
Summary: Reality within a family has a lot of issues. Fighting, threats, divorcing, unacceptance, hatred, hostility, abuse. It's not a rare occasion to find a family with these problems. We understand. Because this is reality. And one cannot escape from reality. One must face it.
Chapter six: Break (Jongkey)
Kibum sat on the swing after the long struggle of being too short to ease himself into the seat. He realized he was sitting in the big kid swing, but it didn’t matter, he was in it now.
His feet couldn’t even touch the ground, so he kept them pointed downward, feeling closer to the earth.
He didn’t swing.
He only sat.
He didn’t want to play with the others-he was too different from them and it made him awkward and uncomfortable to be around. It’s not like he was intentionally that way, but his mood just dragged everything down, so they more-or-less avoided him when they were outside.
He was glad Jonghyun would be out for recess in a little bit, too. His brother was the only comfortable one to be around. He didn’t like that next year Jonghyun was going to middle school. That meant no recess with Kibum, which also meant the lonelier he’d be during the school day.
It wasn’t fair how he couldn’t be like the other kids. Kibum wanted to have fun and be worry-free. He wanted to play kick-ball with his stubby legs and giggle like the toddlers they once were. Kibum wanted to have friends who were like him, could stand him, and they could become the best of friends who share everything together.
But he could barely just manage to be like any of these kids-he was too distracted to be normal.
Kibum swung his leg just a little bit, watching the shadow on the ground move with him, casting darkness over the ground. Not even creating a negative cloud was amusing.
A foot stepped on his shadow, settling beside him on the swing with ease. Kibum would know those shoes anywhere.
Kibum smiled and looked up at Jonghyun, a cheery ‘hello!’ passing his lips as he wiggled a bit.
Jonghyun hummed in response, swinging silently.
Jonghyun had been like that about every day ever since they went back to Tiffany’s. He had a long talk with her mother, enough to make Jonghyun cry, and whispered things Kibum couldn’t hear. But he knew they were about his parents and how he was stressed out with them.
Kibum could see Jonghyun was in the same bad mood and backed off.
He really just wanted for Jonghyun to talk. To make him feel better about being alone, about their parents’ issues-just something wise of Jonghyun to life Kibum’s spirits. The boy depended on Jonghyun-and he always needs Jonghyun, “Hyung?”
“Shh,” he said, putting a finger to his lips, “Just a bit longer, shh.”
Kibum slowly nodded, looking back down to the mulch as he slowly swung his legs back and forth, the happiness of seeing his brother draining from his body.
Did he do something wrong? He’d fix it in a snap if Jonghyun would just comfort him again, like always. He needed Jonghyun’s words, and today was no different. He wanted Jonghyun to tell him what to do, to tell him a story, to answer questions, to just talk!
Was it so difficult for Kibum to get what he wants? He’s already been neglected from his parents by that, so why can’t Jonghyun keep providing in their place?
“One more minute, Kibum,” Jonghyun said to him, “Just one more.”
Kibum whined out, kicking his legs and giving a fit, “I don’t want to be quiet anymore! I’m tired of quiet! Hyung, just keep talking! You haven’t said anything this week! I need someone to talk to me and that’s you!”
“Kibum,” Jonghyun sighed, closing his eyes.
“But, Hyung, you're the only one I talk to! I have no one else! Come on, Hyung-”
“Kibum, just shut up,” Jonghyun snapped, “For once, just be quiet.”
Kibum closed his mouth, stopping his whining, stopping his kicking, stopping everything.
Jonghyun never yelled at him-at least not like that. Jonghyun never resembled their parents, but at that very moment, he was proving they were more similar than Kibum thought.
Kibum’s body took a different approach for the first time: tearing up because of Jonghyun.
The younger got off the swing with a little difficulty and left Jonghyun there, seeing his classmates were lining up to go back in.
“Bye, Hyung,” the younger called out, running from Jonghyun and wishing to never see him again.
Unintentionally angsty with the Kim brothers, but hey, it can happen.
Hope you all had a nice Tuesday and have a nice Wednesday. c:
Thank you to any views or comments. <3