Sep 16, 2009 21:44
You know what's getting on my nerves? People calling the protests against universal health care "tea parties." The Boston one was a protest against a corporate tax subsidy by people who didn't get a vote on it. Nobody ever protests that kind of thing in America, and it happens all the time. You do have a vote, but it won't make much difference when it comes to subsidies - if there's a Wal-Mart anywhere near your house, dollars to doughnuts you paid them to build it.
In another truly crucial political turn, I caused a near-debacle at Dragon*Con again. They really shouldn't let me in the door. And we're about to get this game into a box and out the door, so my life is once more becoming my own. I've been a terrible LJ friend, I know. One day I'll learn to write thoughtful essays like the Lemon, but it is not this day!