Dec 09, 2019 16:51
So here is my wishlist. There are no compulsion to fill something but I will be delighted with anything I receive. I've switched off notifications, so it can all be a surprise for me . I have also posted this stocking to DW for those who don't have a LJ account or feel more comfortable posting over there.
General Information
What I like: For fic - AUs, angst, fluff, drama, optimistic endings, friendship, episode-related, character studies. Artwork/graphics, I am sucker for hurt/comfort stories.
Do Not Wants: Non-canon character death of main characters, character bashing, extreme whump, gory details, sexual talk/humour/scenes, non-con.
Fandom: White Collar
Media Request: Fic, Fanart/Graphics, Recs
Character(s) and/or Pairing: Prefer Cannon specific pairings. I love all characters but Peter is my favorite.
What I'd like: Anything with a little Peter. Peter being all heroic will be a cherry on the cake.
Fandom: Agent Carter
Media Request: Fic, Fanart/Graphics, Rec
Character(s) and/or Pairing: Peggy, Danniel, Jack. Prefer canon specific pairing
What I'd like: Prefer Gen, anything with a hurt/comfort
Fandom : Flash
Recommendations of authors worth following or recs.
New TV shows I enjoy New Amsterdam, This is US again would love recommendations of good stories.
Non-Fandom: Cats (wild and domestic), owls, book recommendation (open into interesting books don't enjoy fantasy books much ).
Other Things I'd Like: Recipes without red meat. Greetings/
Any other information: PM me for my address if you need it.