Jun 10, 2005 14:33
(First off, I would like to mention that, because of my slow connection and stuff, I wont be able to post any pictures or anything. Sorry :-p)
So anyways, yesterday I got to take a night train to some place away from Shanghai (a city called JinHua, for anyone who's interested in China's geography). About a six hour train ride, sitting in a seat, outside being close to total darkness, quite boring even with my CDs, MDs, GBA, and the all mighty PSP, which ran out of batteries half way there. (from what I hear, my superior in the company comes to work only on mondays. Every other day, she's spending her life on a train ride like that, ranging from 2 hours to 8 hours, just to check up on works being done at other factories for a few hours. After that, takes the train again all the way back to shanghai... *shivers*) Got on the train at 10 at night, pretty much didnt/couldnt sleep through most of it except for the last hour, only to be woken up at 430 to get off. Slept through the hour car ride, got to the factory, and my soul was floating somewhere over Beijing while some high class factory guy was talking to us about progress and stuff (in chinese, of course). Walked around the factory, checked a bunch of cloth and some of the pretty products and stuff and stuff. Ate food, looked around a bit more, and then ran out of stuff to do till the afternoon train, so we sat around talking. Then comes time to leave when we come across some disgustingly cute puppies (why is it that stuff like that happen right before you gotta go?) So we do a quick pet/hug/pass'em around routine and head off for the train. Another six hour train ride back to Shanghai and arrived around 9 at night. Got back to the apartment, and all I could recall from the trip was hugging those puppies... my, how productive the day was...