Mar 05, 2005 23:15
Damn some kids can really be shady. Like real ass holes. I was spose to get picked up by carl.. he ditched me, as of right now hes on my shit list.. number fucking one. Then i got picked up by moses, left with russel. They were do high to drive to i ended up driving his Big Ass Surburban around novi. and you know what... I didnt get mine.
Im furious. but then again the night was kinda cool. Seeing the whole high thing in an outside perspective makes u want to do it and not want to do it. It was pretty differentt. The kids i was driving thought some guy was walking a Polar Bear ( sheep dog).... i ended out following some Geo Tracker because they thought they knew some kid in the car and well the rest is history. I told myself i'd never do that... but i did. I really did save that dude's ass, he couldn't drive @ all. maybe ill go clean for a little bit. i want to spend some time @ teh party ranch over spring break when Moeisha dosen't have school( aka Twin)(aka weezer)(aka You). I think im gunna go watch pulp fiction... but im really tired im not sure. Maybe ill just jam a little to some oldies