(no subject)

Apr 11, 2007 11:24

Well, in regards to the internets, I had fun finding some old hometown alumni that
I didn't know before, and of course being found by an old friend that I hadn't
spoken with for over ten years. And nothing really bad happened this week. The snow was wet but not hard to walk or drive in. A heavy wet snow, at least where I was.

If anyone knows how to voicemails to the internets for free, let me know. I want to learn how to keep voxmails saved on my phone longer than two weeks. Partially because it's so funny when rach imitates inookshook the polar bear on there, and also because it would be so fun, in the very likely event that someone who affects my livelihood says they never said something they said, to dial up the voxmail on which they said it. It seems
even with the account type that I have, voice posts are available, so maybe I can upload something by doing a three way call to the voicepost on LJ and my voxmail?
Little Laurie, expert in all things cellular, will be consulted.

And if the one person I asked does not have the same provider as me, rach, maybe you have the same provider as me and i could just forward the message, have a friend forward it back to me, and save it for another two weeks that way. I asked a cellular tech today, and she said yes, then it would be like a new message. They used to get saved forever as long as you listened to the message once a week and then re-saved it. The first poindexter at the cell provider assured me that was still true, and that he had just asked a tech and his tech guys are awesome and wouldn't mislead me, and I assured him that it wasn't that way for at least two years. We were being really friendly to each other, not like arguing, he was like, well I thought that might give you some comfort that it will be on there for you, and I was like I appreciate the thought, but it will not be on there unless there is a way to forward it to myself or something, because after two weeks they do disappear. Then he agreed finally to ask another tech and she got on the phone and said "betty? yes that has been updated it won't save it forever anymore."

So I tell the lady I've never forwarded a message before, and don't know who I even can forward it to. She says anyone in my local calling area with the same cell provider. She thought my idea of having them forward it back to me every couple weeks so that it would retain on my voxmail as a new message, just might be crazy enough to work. She didn't say it like that but that's what she meant. The problem is (which might not even be a problem yet, I'm just sayin ya never know when someone's going to leave a message about your payroll stats and then later say, oh i wouldn't have said THAT) ( i have not dealt much with this person yet, everything might be way coool, benefit of the doubt and all that, but even good people that are trying to do a good job sometimes feel the need to say they didn't say what they said and that drives me nuckin futs, especially in job situations, but really anywhere).

While I was on the phone, I asked the very diplomatic cellular lady to please share with the other techs about not being able to just keep saving messages indefinitely on their system, because even I knew it's been that way for years, and the first guy, who wasn't trying to give me a hard time, just kept assuring me that the techs wouldn't give us any bad advice. She was so nice and said she would pass that along to the other techs so they wouldn't cause people to lose messages, with their ignorance. Nobody said ignorance, but y'know. That's what we meant.
I know the university voxmail system you could keep stuff around until whenever you wanted to discard it. So maybe other cellular providers you can do that. Maybe the first tech that advised my customer service guy was from some other system, fresh on the job and just thought everything is the same. Well, as they say in tvland, when identical beckys blow your mind, they say she's the same but she's NOT the same...

Also I am now documenting every minute of my workdays, not just leave time and clocking-in time, but everything, everything that gets turned in on a slip of paper, everything. These are good people I work with, but unlike apparently a lot of madisonians, I cannot afford to not get my full paycheck, nor is it okay to just tell me something was fudged around because of how it was fudged around incorrectly before. I will start off with audio documentation, and proceed to legal counsel if i have to. I hate to have to bother with that, so maybe all I need to do is go in with my calendar and my record of my last few direct deposits and last few pay stubs and la dee da we are here to help our good little employee. yes, that's what to expect. And the tree won't eat my kite this year, and Lucy won't pull the football away right when I'm about to kick it, causing me to land flat on my back . thunk. It's all good.

Oh my, look who all was seen on the monumental prairie. Some Pipettis!

In todays clip what happens. Hmmm. Must consult the retro portion of my YouTube playlist. Something challenging but goofy. Not hard to find in the seventies, so here.

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Of course watching this when it first aired I was too young to notice that all the women the man singing the theme song mentions are not exactly representative of what they are implying about the "feminism" of the show. Instead of lady godiva, the mythical bra-burning chicks (read Susan Faludi), betsy ross, they could have said women that are of great interest as great humans, not just accomplished for being famous women, but for anybody. Hildegaard Von Bingen, Sappho, Barbara Jordan, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Peace Pilgrim, Doris Haddock, Frida Kahlo, Queen Lilioukalani, and Marie Curie come to mind without even trying to think about it , though i'm sure I could think of equally great examples if I took some time to think who was alretty around that Norman Lear and his associates would have been able to know about back then. I'm sure you can think of many more?

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During the seventies, standups and talkshow guys made jokes about the size of Ms. Barbeau's bosom. I never noticed Adrienne's being any bigger than anyone else's, but I did notice that she had such a pretty face. And that Maude was mad all the time, and that the audience and my parents thought that was funny.

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Wow! I think Florida talking to Carol, in that last portion of the episode might be the last time (or the first time) I ever heard someone use the word "groovy," in a non-ironic way?!

Just since i am such a beyotch to the hometown ganksters in this blog, one time watching reruns in the mid-80s, me and andrea got into an argument as to whether Florida and Weezy were played by the same person. I tried to explain that they were both spin offs of All in the Family, looked nothing alike, and Florida was played by Esther Rolle, whereas Weezy Jefferson was played by... and she was like "see?" and all smug as if she won the argument just because I couldn't recall Isabel Sanford's last name at that moment. The point is I won, she's a racist to not be able to tell such very different individuals apart from one another, and I suspect she was just being that way to be annoying, like the time we were in St. Louis and she decided to argue about what street was which when we were sitting near an intersection, right under a huge pair of criss-crossing street signs that explained everything, as did the map I was pointing to. It didn't make us late for whatever horsecrap she wanted to go to that town for, nor keep us from getting home or whereever we were going, it was just a way to stop everything and be ridiculous. When she worked at the ill-annoy museum archives she used to come up to her coworkers and put her finger on her chin, and tilt her head and interrupt their conversations to go "oh, really? how do you know that, how do people know that? " I hadn't thought about that chick in many many years, but when I see Esther Rolle going around being nothing at all like Isabel Sanford, albeit a wonderful actress in her own right, I am re-incensed! Not really incensed, not even really caring about it, just next time Laurie is on the phone I'll remind her of that and we will make fun of stupid waste-of-time people we have known.

Here's another story that probably is only cute to me and Laurie. One time we were sitting in the living room of my folk's house and Buster was sitting on my lap looking off towards Laurie to my right side. On the other side of the room to my left, was Andrea, wasting everyone's time at our house because her own family got sick of her wasting their time. We were talking about something brilliant and adorable that buster had done, or just how much we loved buster and buster loved us, and Andrea was acting like she didn't believe it or didnt' care because it wasn't about her.
I made a very pithy remark that I don't remember now, about how it was really awesome that Buster was so cool, whether Andrea recognized or appreciated such things or not, and just then Busty turned her head slowly and looked with a very serious expression on her face, just staring over her shoulder at andrea. And me and Laurie totally cracked up about it, and Andrea just looked confused and embarrassed. You sort of had to be there, but I know at least a couple of readers who will totally get how funny that was.

Today's clip and my random rants about whatever i free-associated from seeing them, are hidden behind a cut because there are three clips and oodles of ranting. Yes indeedy.
Everyone please stay safe on the roadways and keep warm. Spring shall return soon!

sound files, review, lj411, wrrk, 70s, feminism, retail, cellphone

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