Well the blizzardish weather had ended by the time Larry finished my car repairs,and he brought my car back to the olde sauke branche of the institute tonight. So i'll be able to drive to work again now, and it'll be easy to swing by the other complex so i can drop my rent in the office, but NOT in an envelope by god whatever you do no envelope
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The girl in the very interesting clip dreams of losing control while driving. I dream of almost losing control, because my feet don't quite reach the pedals. I never crash, but I'm struggling to get my foot far enough down to push the break while still managing to see over the dashboard.
I also used to dream I could fly, but I couldn't control it well. I'd get too much momentum in one direction and I could only correct it by overcompensating, so then I had an even worse problem in another direction. Soon I was far above the ground, so that trees were tiny and people were ants, with very little control. I always woke up before any disaster.
I no longer dream that I can fly. But I have what I think is the replacement recurring dream -- I can go down stairs without stepping, I just sort of slide down. When I do it I feel like I am way cool, in a lame coller-than-thou sort of way.
When I was a child, I had a different recurring stairway dream. In the dream our church had a stairwell where each floor was a zig and a zag, you know what I mean, like you go half-a-floor and then do a 180 and go up another half-a-floor. And betwen the zig and the zag there's about a foot or two of space. In this dream I'm walking up said stairs, and when I have gone up very high, I climb over the hand railing and jump. I'm in freefall for a while, but not very frightened because I somehow manage to land on the stairs after falling ten or twenty or fifty floors, ten I walk back up the stairs to repeat.
I have a recurring dwelling dream, or rather I have a recurring dream dwelling. It's not always the same dream, in fact it's never the same dream, but it's in some sense the same dwelling. Occasionally I'll recognize I'm in 'that apartment' again, sometimes even with a vague sense that I only live there in dreams although this sense is not enought to trigger lucid dreaming. This apartment is on the second, third or fourth floor and it is disgustingly filthy. I move into such a place only out of desperation. I mean filthy like you could never get it clean no matter how much you worked. There's brightly colored shag carpet that is matted with gunk, walls with stains that cannot be scrubbed off, etc. Living here makes me despondent, but it's better than homelessness. The apartment has an odd layout, where each room feels far from the other rooms. And, usuallyly, there's an unused and unnoticed door that leads to the rest of the building, which often is huge huge huge and always is less filthy than my place. Sometimes the building has big dining rooms that are really nice, kind of dark, and sparsely peppered with strangers, and sometimes there's a swimming pool, also huge and sparesly populated (but *not* unpopulated).
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