May Your Monday Be A Gem

Nov 20, 2006 04:13

future so bright

Inspired by the recent election that the bullies could not thwart it looks like more of the dems are fixin to grow backbones and start doing their jobs in droves, at least according to Air America, which can sound mighty optimistic at times. It's too soon to tell if this is too good to be true, as it sounds to me, but this voter turnout seems to have caught the Repugnicans off guard. Who knew it could really happen? We'll see what gets done starting when, in January? Whenever the legislative changes become official. We resolve here at the Sunshine Rewind Institute, to remember the best purpose of this holiday week, that is being thankful for all that is. Really we should try that every week, but easier said than done.

Here you see Mr Spock wearin the IDIC symbol, which Nimoy came up with during the second or third season as a gimmick to try to keep the show going, and because people loved anything to do with Spock. I read about it in I Am Spock, the exciting sequel to I Am Not Spock. It means Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. Given my simpleminded fascination with shiny objects I'm surprised i never noticed it on the show, but I was probably more concerned during that episode with the ambassador/ box of glitter Spock wasn't supposed to really see.

Good news from the homefront, my sister is defying all the doomsayers and being a healthy little champ. Also when the middleton post office opens I'm hightailing it down there to send her a box o' goodies such as nutritional supplements, articles, comics, art supplies, and other odds and ends to amuse her fine self.

The Ugly One With The Jewels -- It's unclear whether this is true or just something she tells, but it may be true. In the title song of this album, Laurie Anderson says she went to visit her anthropologist brother who was in Mexico studying the last surviving mayan tribe.

She talks about being taller than these indians, so they must indeed be tiny. Because i remember when me and bucky went backstage and got autographs in st Louis in 84, we were wandering down the hallway and found a room with lights on and walked in and there were some people scattered around but there was a large circle of people all looking down toward the center of the circle, each and every one of them with fascinated grins on their faces. So that's how we knew where she was before we joined the circle of fans, even though we couldn't see her little elfin self. She was charming the socks off of everyone, and holding a sneaker. Someone had given her their shoe to sign and she was being agreeable and pleased about it.

When i was temping in 1994 at this horrible market research place (before I went to Lucky Finger Dialing the following year and found out interviewing and interviewers can be way fun) that used to be in that building with the kinkos and aaa, at west wash and regent, i would take the bus downtown and walk the rest of the way and i think i saw one of those last surviving Mayans every day, going up towards the capital square as I was going away from it. She was very serious and carried a neon pink nylon lunch bag. I can't remember if she let me make eye contact as we passed. It seems like once or twice we nodded at each other. I remember thinking she looked like drawings or statues I had seen in scientific magazines, like I was seeing someone from another time that I didnt know existed in this time. She was so short, now that I think about it, that she would have thought even Laurie Anderson was tall. Similarly, the other pipetti twin, also a Little Laurie, would be a giant to them. I am used to being way taller than many other chicks, but both Lauries would find this an unusual experience I'm sure.

So Laurie Anderson says her nickname in the tribe was some word that translated to mean "the ugly one with the jewels," thus the title of that song, and the alblum on which it is heard. She figured the ugly part was because she was so tall, and different looking than the tribeswomen there, and the jewels part it turned out was because they saw her taking out her contact lenses at night, and they thought the lenses were jewels. It's one of those stories where it's so fun to hear her tell it, that it doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

As for me, I feel pretty good for a Monday morning, although i probably have to snooze soon. If you are travelling this week, have a safe and happy Thanxmas. If you are not travelling, have a safe and happy Thanxmas.

Click to enjoy Laurie and her clone telling you an enchanting story.

Huh? Huh? I do remember me and my mom watching Alive from Off Center, on PBS twenty years ago, possibly around this time of year, or maybe later in the winter. My sister and I knew a guy who kind of resembled the clone, he went to Sangamon State University, which is now U of Eye at Sprinkleville. Well, maybe he didn't resemble the clone, maybe i am just being a jerk. It happens.

laurie anderson, thanxmas

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