I keep thinking back to when I first started reading the books almost eight years ago. I had my little stack of three books and would occasionally try to picture what a stack of seven would look like and wondering if I would make it that far. It was the great unknown. I wanted to know how it was going to end so badly. And I wasn't even halfway through the series!! When I thought ahead to the seventh book, it seemed like a lifetime away. And it was, really. I've created two new lives since then. Moved twice. Bought two houses, sold one. Quit my job. Lost my mother. Made many cool new friends and travelled all over the country to meet them.
I won't lie that there was a selfish fear that something would happen to JKR before she finished. I kept hoping she was driving safely and not operating any heavy machinery. This was four books away from the end. A LOT could happen in that time. She could decide that she didn't want to finish them. A "rocks fall" scenario. Keep us all in suspense for the rest of our lives. These were very real fears of mine that caused more stress than I like to admit.
I also keep remembering that the last two book releases made me pregnant coincided with conception. Let me just say right now that that AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN this time around. The idea is kind of... horrifying.
I'm rereading the Horcrux chapter of HBP and something just occurred to me. Dumbledore says that Voldemort reserved significant murders for making Horcruxes. In his next statement, he turns around and says Voldemort used the Muggle caretaker to make the last Horcrux. It's oddly contradictory and I don't think Dumbledore didn't catch the contradiction. I don't believe that Voldemort would have considered the Muggle worthy of a Horcrux. It's possible that Voldemort relaxed his standards because of his desperate situation but I think that's unlikely.
I also had a thought that someone has probably come up with before but I haven't seen it. I believe in the popular scenario that Voldemort will suffer a fate worse than death. But what would be worse than death for Voldemort? I think being locked in the Love room in the Department of Mysteries would be a fate worse than death for him. Maybe that's where they're at on the cover.
Oh, and Draco, for all his teasing of Harry for his dead parents, is going to lose one or both parents himself.
*snerk* My daughter just came out to show me that she had dressed herself in her
wahleecon t-shirt. Funny that she managed to dig that out of her drawer when I'm in the middle of this post.
I probably should say something about the OotP movie, which I saw last week. I liked it a lot. It had a very different feel than the others. But honestly, I thought about it a total of five minutes before I turned my thinking back to Deathly Hallows. I just don't much care about the movies. I didn't even know the movie was coming out on Wednesday until I started to see all the premiere pics on my flist. My feelings for the movie, or lack thereof, only confirm to me that my time in fandom will most likely end with DH. I don't know if I'll stay on LJ or not. What's coming will come.