Jul 12, 2008 20:13
My life has always been linked to books. If I have to blame someone, let me blame Charlotte Brönte and "Jane Eyre". That's the book my dad used to read me every night when I was just a child. And there, with the adventures and misadventures of this little orphan, I learnt to dream,
With only six years, I remember that a friend of my mum gave me as a present a little doll and I went to the store to change it for a book. I loved everything about them, the uncertainty of a new one, the anticipation when you opened the first page, the sensation you had when you found out your new favourite one..
And do you know the best about it?. That after all these years, the sensation hasn't lessened . I feel the same thrill everytime I go to a bookstore and I'm still amazed every time that I open a book and I feel the connection, this connection that makes you realize you are in front of a great story despite having read only a few lines.
"Le costó resignarse, aceptar los hechos. Ni los dioses pueden hacer que lo que ha sido, no haya sucedido. Aunque los pensamientos se empecinen en borrar los propios actos, nos queda el recuerdo de las palabras que dijimos. La realidad nunca resulta ser como nos gustaba dibujarla en unos cristales empañados... Sabe también que no cogerá el avión que sale hacia Palma porque todos los cielos del mundo son ahora más azules"
And do you know why I also love books?. Because one day you are reading a book that your boss has recommended to you , one of these books that you would never have bought because you didn't even feel attach to the story. But then you read a sentence:
.- "Vade Retro Satanás!- grité escapándome por la cortinilla de lino hacia el exterior. "
And you know you are going to love it, and at the end, you realize, you were right.