Just got back from the midnight showing of Twilight. It's definately one of the best adapations I've seen in awhile. It took my 8 hours to read the book, the audiobook is a little over 12 hours and they condensed it down to 2. Of course they took their liberties, which is understandable. But hey, my absolute favorite line was in the movie, so I was happy.
I love Alice more...and I continue to hate Rosalie with a passion. I was starting to warm up to her, but no. The actress did a wonderful job portraying Rosalie's disgust for Bella.
I will admit, Edward is pretty good looking...but Carlisle... *dreamy sigh* Cute, young...doctor. I mean, what else can a girl ask for? (Okay, besides a blue spandex clad janitor, but that's a given. ^.~)
The scene when Edward shows his reaction to the sun was...interesting. It wasn't over the top, which was good. They actually made it look like tiny diamonds where embedded in his skin. Which was the effect Stephenie was going for. Personally, I could have done without the tinkling sound effect. That made it too cutesy and as Edward puts it, it's "the skin of a killer". Cutesy is not what we're going for here. I had to laugh during the final scene where Edward makes the comment "I leave for two minutes and the wolves come after you" in reference to Jacob showing up with Billy's warning. Nice segway into New Moon.
The ending was good. It closed the story, but also allowed the possibility of the other books following. Much like the book itself.
I will see it again because I have to take my sister, see if I can use my free tickets that I earned. At least there was no screaming. Definately some squeeing, but nothing out of ordinary for young teen films.
If you liked the book, it's worth seeing. If you didn't like the book, then you'll most likely hate the movie. If you haven't read the book, check it out. The book is WAY better, but it usually is that way. And for all you non-Washingtonians, I'll be happy to explain the geography. ^.~
Yes...I lived in Washington before it was cool to live in Washington. No, I've never been to Forks and to the best of knowledge there is no place called Spoons.