When Piper was evil...or crazy... Part 3

Feb 21, 2008 09:00

Final part of the series. All the pics can be enlarged.

As we've seen, first Piper had a scheme to torment Flash during a difficult period of his (Barry's) life. However, he then had a mental breakdown himself, and was committed to the Breedmore mental hospital, where he lacked pants.

The background for these scenes took place some issues before -- Flash accidentally killed Professor Zoom whilst trying to protect his bride. The Rogues stole the body and gave it a semi-respectful/semi-mocking funeral. Piper was there, so he knows Zoom is dead.

Thriving at Breedmore

Look who's a model patient! However, I question the wisdom of allowing him to play with the sound system...


...looks like I was right.


You gotta feel for the poor slobs with their faces in their food. However, I love the cheery expressions on Piper's face.


Piper escapes the nuthouse, as an ominous figure approaches...


ZOMG! Who's that??

Uh-oh times two

There's that sweat again...

So much laughter!

Not a good sign.

Oh dear

Crazy again. But at least he went back to his old rubber room...

However, this was not actually Zoom at all -- it was Abra Kadabra in disguise, just messing with people. He kidnapped the other Rogues and tried to kill them. I guess he figured poor crazy Piper wasn't worth killing.

This was Piper's last appearance before Crisis, and pretty much his last major storyline before reforming. Could his stay at Breedmore have influenced his decision to reform?


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