Jul 04, 2012 18:13
Hello all. I'm not sure if this group is just for fanstuffs, but I'm going crazy trying to find someone to share my love of these two Rogues with. I first found this community during the whole Countdown fiasco, and just recently rediscovered it. I've been playing DCUO (as "Hartley Rathaway", appropriately enough) and the only one who gets anything I talk about comic-related is my hubby, who fights alongside me (cracking gay jokes the whole time) as Trickster. What is this world coming to when some kid taking down Captain Cold doesn't know who "Len" is?! ARGH!!! *deep breath* Unfortunately, hubby has a very short attention span when it comes to...well, anything, and I usually have to read comics or visit this community to get my fix. Anyway...I don't have anything to share except friendship, but I would like to thank you all for the awesome love you give to these characters :) I could post pics of us in the game, but I don't know how interesting that would be. Otherwise, I can draw y'all stick figures :)
Keep up the great work and keep posting!
newbie post