A hive of activity?

Apr 13, 2012 01:56

Okay, so the group's not exactly one of these at the moment, sadly, but I feel I should liven things up a bit since I have a tad more time on my hands at the moment. I present to you all a link list of Piper and Trickster related stuff from all over the internet. If anyone else has any cool links to add, feel free to let people know!

So, Tumblr! Much fandom activity has shifted over to here of late, and there are some very cool ones out there.

The premiere Rogue blog is, as I'm sure many of you know, gorogues or The Rogues Kick Ass, which is pretty amazing in that practically any Rogue related stuff ever that gets posted is reblogged there, and a mountain of old comic scenes are added too. It's a one stop shop!

Also, there are some cool roleplaying blogs that are active at the moment; ask-piedpiper and thebreadmancometh are two Piper ones, and flyingambulist is one for Trickster :-).

Moving on from Tumblr, a site called the Comics Bulletin has a partially completed (up to halfway through Waid) issue by issue rundown of the whole of Wally's run on Flash. This is cool to read through in itself, but the extra cool thing is that he got William Messner-Loebs to add in comments about his run as he went through them. Some of it is fascinating stuff, and there's a section on Flash #53 that's especially interesting :-).

Speaking of Flash #53, it was spotlighted in the Almost Hidden column on Comic Book Resources, and it's interesting to read the comments!

Want to read more random people saying how awesome Piper is? Well, someone put up a segment on his crescendo in Countdown on YouTube, and a whole bunch of people thought it was neat! Yay!

Also don't forget the posts on scans_daily for both Piper and Trickster!

If you're interested in Trickster's brief appearance as a side character in Blue Devil, this is a nice little biography. There are also neat biographies on the DC Wikia and of course on Those who Ride the Lightning.

Finally, I apologise profusely for linking you to TVTropes, but the Flash Character Page there is an interesting read in regards to the plot devices and character points that have affected the guys!

So! Links! I hope people find them interesting, and feel free to comment, theorise and add more if you like!


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