Dec 24, 2010 22:25
I've just read 'Teen Titans Cold Case 01'. It's set during 'One Year Later' and tells about a showdown between the Titans and the Rogues.
And guess whose stripes we get to see? *_*
...Actually, I think the timeline's pretty messed up (again). There're hints that this happens after Bart's death, but there's no Countdown or Salvation Run, and what's with James' costume and being the part of the Rogues' again? oO
And if it's before Bart's death - last time we saw Piper he told us James and he had been approached by Inertia and went undercover only then.
Oh,well... it doesn't matter... it's still him ^^
(It isn't safe to post a comic's page or a torrent link, is it?)
james jesse,