I was going to write something more serious, but, well, I've been playing interactive text games all week. This was kind of inevitable. Warnings for geekiness.
**** You have died ****
> look
You are in darkness. You cannot see or feel anything. This is something of a relief, given the state you were in before.
"Well, let's see," muses a pleasant voice in your ear. "In twenty-four moves, you scored...well, you didn't actually accomplish a great deal. On the other hand, you managed to not get captured or killed by quite a number of people." The voice clucks its tongue. "Until now, of course. But then you did have a surprisingly good reason. Tell you what, let's just say that you have achieved the rank of Rogue With A Heart Of Gold. Try to hang on to it.
"Now, let's take a look here... Well, you probably deserve another chance after that one. Besides, it's much too early in the script for anything like this; your friend certainly can't complete this story alone. I can't quite fix you up completely, but you can't have everything. And do try to be more careful this time..."
West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.
"Oops, sorry," the voice chuckles. "Wrong story."
You are in a freight train car. It is filled with crates and debris from your recent fight. To the west, one side of the car is open. Piper is here.
> examine piper
Piper looks extremely upset, and appears to have been crying. He is holding you on his lap. It feels surprisingly warm and comfortable.
Piper sees your eyes open, and speaks your name in a tone of great relief. "Stay with me," he urges.
> show handcuff to piper
You raise your cuffed hand to demonstrate your inability to go anywhere, but Piper doesn't look very reassured.
> examine deadshot
You can't see that here!
> ask piper about deadshot
He shrugs a little, although the tension in his body is at odds with the gesture. "He went that way, the train went this way. I guess he figured he'd done enough damage to make him happy."
> ask piper about me
"You weren't breathing, Tricks, I thought you were...were..." His voice fades out. "You still look pretty bad," he says quietly.
> diagnose
You are wounded, but not fatally. Piper is pressing a piece of wadded-up cloth to the wound in your chest.
> piper, help me
He looks somewhat surprised by your request, but nods reassuringly. "What else would I do?" he asks. "You just stick around for it, all right?" He sets to work bandaging your injuries, humming quietly as he does so. His hands are gentle and his voice is lulling, and despite the pain of your injuries and the jolting of the train, you find yourself relaxing.
> sleep
Piper looks at you in alarm as you start to close your eyes. "Hey! Sleeping's bad, no sleeping. You stayed up for three days straight that time you were working on the giant slinky. You can do a few hours. Come on. You can make bad jokes, that always makes you feel better..."
> say "hello sailor"
Piper shakes his head, but doesn't try to hide his smirk.
[That line doesn't do anything...yet.]
"Hello sailor" is an
old text game in-joke. Couldn't resist.