Due to the positive feddback on the
suggestion post, letś do this!
You give me a prompt. I´ll write you one, but in turn the next person will ask a drabble from you and you will write it. The next person will request a drabble from that person.....and so on and so forth.
So, B gets a drabble from A, C gets a drabble from B, D gets a drabble from C
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Prompt: High School All Over Again Setting: DCAU
He didn't regret it. He certainly didn't miss it, didn't miss them, either...didn't miss the themed jobs, the narrow escapes, the wretched puns, the banter or the bickering. Really he didn't...except a dozen or so times a day. Not when they were out righting wrongs, saving the planet or providing much needed aid to the less fortunate. Everything made sense then. But in the quiet moments afterwards. Sitting alone at a table in the Watchtower cafeteria and trying desperately, unsuccessfully to tune out the whispers. The questions. Is he? Isn't he? Anyone tried asking Flash? Reformed? Can they even do that, villains I mean? Course they can't only a matter of time. The rumours seemed to become more elaborate and ridiculous with each retelling. And really, if any of them had bothered to read his file, (he knew for a fact that some of them had) they should have been aware of the fact that he could hear them. The Rogues may have been one slightly abusive and extremely dysfunctional family, but the League was high school all over again. A fact which may have exerted just the teeniest bit of influence over his decision not to immediately mention that he knew how to counter the super-glue that had been inside the water balloons the next time they were tangling in Central City. Schadenfreude, after all was not strictly a villainous tendency, it was a human one.
I have quite a lot of ideas for that, it just takes me forever to write -.-
not to immediately mention that he knew how to counter the super-glue that had been inside the water balloons the next time they were tangling in Central City
Guess Tricks wanted Piper to stick around for a while?
*drum effect*
prompt me?
Really, another prompt? Okay...
Prompt: Don't stand so close to me.
Piper didn´t even bother with a comment anymore. He had thought that resurrection might have changed the Trickster, but apparently not even death was strong enough to make James less...this.
Two weeks ago James had re-appeared in Central City - covered from head to toe in green flame and completely silent. Nobody knew how he escaped hell and he wouldn´t tell anyone anyone.
Piper had thought that he should, you know, visit Trickster and go through the whole awkward "So I see you´re not dead anymore...thanks for taking a bullet that was destined for me" talk, but Trickster more or less threw him out. He seemed to loathe Piper now, couldn´t stand being in the same room, cut off calls and pretended that Piper was thin air. When Piper refused to be ignored anymore, he started with the insults. Piper never knew that you could cause so much pain with so little words.
Piper had been hurt, but soon anger had won the battle of emotions. If Tricks wanted to be a jerk that badly - fine! Who needed him anyway?!
The court session about the murder of Bart Allen forced them to appear together in court. Piper had barely opened his mouth to speak to the jury as James started to talk. With cold accuracy and emotional detachment, FBI professionalism and a mask of seriousness he had managed to clear them of all charges. There was something in his eyes... Piper had never been afraid of Trickster before, but now... a cold shiver ran down his back and his instincts told him to run. As he attempted to confront James and leaned over to talk, James had refused and humiliated him once again. There was a new edge to his voice, a darker pitch Piper was sure no one of the others could hear. It was ...sinister and cold as the grave.
James walked out of court as he came in with sharp steps that lacked the esprit he normally had, dressed completely in black - a color James had detested before - and with an expression worse than all the creepy smiles he had ever smiled.
What had risen out of hell was less James than some kind of ...monster.
A malicious ghost that took in your soul with one glance, broke through your defense with deadly accurate remarks, jokes that weren´t funny but hurtful and remarks that seemed to cut you in half. All your darkest secrets were obvious to him, all desires out in broad daylight and your heart was not on your sleeve anymore but in his hand and he squeezed until dark blood ran down his arm. The eyes were chips of ice - and if old sayings were true and the eyes were the reflection of the soul... maybe he had been better off dead.
For all that Piper knew...his friend James Jesse had died in the desert. He wasn´t sure what that thing was that paraded around in James´skin...but he´d watch it. He´d observe, listen carefully. And he´d be prepared to take out whatever that thing was that hell had spewn out to this world in the shape of his former friend.
(wow, where did this dark thing came from? ....ok, related to plotbunny -.-)
Prompt for me?
...it may has a sequel to that story...if you´re interested
Prompt for me?
A sequel you say? Hell yes I'm interested!
As for the prompt...this one kind of...exploded.
Prompt: Kittens Setting: DCAU
"Then what happened?"
"Well...I might have told him that he was being more creepily stalkerish than usual."
"You seriously said that? To Bruce?"
"It just slipped out," even the added digitalization of speaker phone couldn't phase the defensiveness out of Tim's voice.
"So what happened next?" Dick demanded.
"We followed them down to the docks and..."
"Sorry little bro, didn't catch that."
"I said they realized we were following them."
"So what did Selina say?"
"She was...pretty mad. And he was all 'I'm disappointed' and then she was all 'I'll live my life however I choose. You're the one who decided that you didn't want to be part of it,' totally dripping icicles."
"Ouch. That had to sting. What did he do then?"
"You know how he is. Got all stony and quiet."
"What about the boy toy? Where's he in all of this?" Wally broke in.
"Just stood there like he was watching a tennis match. Then...well he pulled out a badge."
"What kind of a badge?"
"Claimed he's FBI. And we had Babs check and it was actually legit. He recruited Selina to help him with a bust."
"Oh man. How'd that go over?" Dick had a feeling he already knew.
"It's Bruce. What do you think?"
"So he didn't apologize?"
"It's. Bruce."
"She was furious. Then the guy told Bruce to get over himself."
"He what!"
"Yep. And asked why he was still holding a grudge over a harmless water pistol full of jello that happened seven therapists and a year of rehab ago." Wally proceeded to expel the majority of his drink out his noise.
As soon as Dick finished pounding him on the back and he could breath again the Flash demanded, "What'd you say this guy looked like again?"
"I didn't actually. Blonde, blue eyes, built kinda of like you actually Dick. Oh, and he was playing with this dumb blue and yellow yo-yo the whole time we were talking to him."
Both former sidekicks exchanged an incredulous glance. The idea was brain breaking. Wally managed to find his voice first. It was several octaves higher than normal, but he found it. "Catwoman...and the Trickster?!?"
"He's actually quite charming when he wants to be you know." Dick and Wally both spun to goggle at Piper as he lifted the bottle and polished off his own drink. The ex-Rogue had been quiet so long they'd forgotten he was in the room.
"That's what she said," Tim's voice broke in again over the line.
"WHAT!" Dick and Wally demanded together.
"Bruce asked her what she could possibly see in him, and he used that tone, you know the one, when he said him. And Selina got right up in his face and told him 'He makes me laugh,' and then the guy, Trickster?, is all 'Well thanks pussy cat, I aim to please' and Selina sidles up and plants one on him."
"Please tell me you meant a slap," Dick begged.
"Not likely," Piper sounded overly amused. "Kissed him didn't she?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I told you, James is...very charming when he wants to be." Wally had gone bug eyed all over again.
"Please tell me you're not speaking from pers..."
Dick cut him off, there were some things he really did NOT need to know. "And Bruce?"
"Honestly? He looked like he was going to have kittens."
I love the Trickster arc in Catwoman and I always wanted to read fic about it.
And for creepy!fic sequel...
Whenever the Trickster was smiling, it was usually a bad sign for you. But when the Trickster did not smile... it was even worse.
Behind his eyes a fire raged, eating away bits and pieces of James´soul. Well...what was left of it, anyway.
After he had died - no tunnel of light, no relatives guiding your way, not even Hell. There was nothing until he heard two voices. He knew one of these; sweet honey covered a blade of ice and acid; this voice made promises, let you soar, made your dreams reality - and all it wanted was your soul. Neron - prince of lies, master of Hell. The devil.
The other voice....James couldn´t even tell if it was a woman or man. He heard soft comfort, tranquility and neverending regret.
With the voices came twilight and he saw silhouettes shrouded in mist. The sharp angles of Neron, his pointy cape, the ears - the other one was ....round, soft, flowing, floating. It was so bright!
The silhouette turned around to him and there were tears in its eyes.
"I´m so sorry, my child".
Then he fell, fell through fire and shadows, fell through ice and pain and when he stopped he saw the too familiar stone formations and a throne.
"Apparently I´m not the only one who can´t resist a good deal," Neron stated. He was sitting on the throne and watched James with a bemused expression.
"And to think, after all these years of being a hero, one of the good guys. You didn´t curse, you didn´t drink, you became a cop, prepared to take your old friends down - in the end you did everything right and still...you ended up back here. And do you know why?" He didn´t even wait for an answer. "Because I made a deal. I wanted your soul. And I got it. You´re mine now, James. You cost me a fortune, my Trickster, but it was worth every soul I paid."
James stood there, feeling...nothing. He didn´t feel anything. No pain, fury, sorrow...there was nothing left.
"I almost didn´t believe that my deal would be accepted, but with the right price, you can get anything. I traded 100 souls for you - all good people who ended up here because they made a deal. A mother who sold me her soul to get her kid on the waiting list for a new heart, a husband who sold his soul to the devil and got a cure for his wife´s terminal sickness... all these poor souls ended up here. And now ...I got you."
Neron laughed. "Your own god traded your innocent, eternal soul without your consent. You have been sold. Used. Betrayed."
He was so close, whispering his sweet lies into James´ear, but ....those weren´t lies. No lie could be more painful than the truth now.
"You gave up your life´s calling. You gave up the tricks, the laughter, the thrill, the hunt-" "the game, the dance. I gave up myself, because I didn´t want to end up here. I did nothing wrong! I died a hero´s death."
"And where did it bring you?"
"Hell! I ended up in hell! I sacrificed my life and-"
"Your reward is eternal damnation."
"I´ve been betrayed!"
"Left alone"
"Left alone!"
Neron´s words trickled into James´ears, poisoning his sanity, his mind, his heart.
"Damn the god who sold you, damn the friends who abandoned you...damn them all! Why should you be the only one suffering? It´s not your fault....it´s them! They did it, with their warped view of justice, their rules, their laws that benefit themselves... they did that to you."
"They did that to me!"
"It´s their fault"
"It´s their fault!"
"Get revenge"
"Get REVENGE! They will pay for what they did to me!"
The devilish laugh sounded again, shookhim to the core, rang in his ears until he realied that he was the one who was laughing.
A whirlwind of fire and shadows and he was back. Back to life. Back in his hometown.
He remained silent, plotting their demise.
He wasn´t strong enough to take them all on, not yet.
But the Trickster always had a few aces up his sleeve...
"Revenge shall be mine," James thought, "now it´s my turn!"
Black blood coursed through his veins, green flames raged behind his eyes and in hell Neron laughed.
Tricksters were the world´s keepers of balance.
And the scales had just shifted in his favor.
Yikes, no wonder James went evil. All the work and in the end it counts for nothing because Neron made a deal. Do the numbers mean there'll be more creepy sequels? Because these were amazing. The revenge part sounded really interesting...
What do I owe for this wondrous bounty?
actually it was just because I had exceeded the character limit for comments, but I´m not opposed to write more^^
What do I owe for this wondrous bounty?
Superpowers - bah, who needs ´em anyway!
The imp's initial offer had been super powers of his own. However the Trickster had always had a 'bah, who needs 'em anyway' attitude towards super powers. Really what was the point? Being ridiculously fast or intangible or impervious to harm removed the risk from an escapade. And anyone with sense knew that all that did was forcibly eliminate every last trace of fun from the game. Magic powers on the other hand...well that was something he could work with. Or so he'd initially thought. Once he'd finally managed to restore the balance of Good and Evil in Central City, undo the accidental hexes he's placed on his fellow Rogues in his exasperation and destroy the last of the zombie flamingos he conjured up on a whim, Trickster was exhausted. It occurred to him that now he could do anything he wanted all he had to do was imagine beating the Flash, taking down the League or becoming Emperor of all Personkind and it would be so. No strategy, epic battles of wits, inventive puns, exploding rubber chickens or yo-yos required. Immediately following the most horrifying and depressing realization he ever had, Trickster felt hollow.
How were you supposed to revel in the victory if you hadn't had to do anything to earn it? It wouldn't even have been his victory really, all the credit would go to that lousy imp who'd given him the new powers in the first place. Who'd tricked him into believing that magic powers were something he'd wanted and...tricked him? TRICKED HIM! Nobody but nobody ever tricked the Trickster and if someone had...he was having a midlife crisis. Heck he was having an identity crisis. And really the only thing, the only individual, he could think of that could prevent him from having an infinite final crisis was...
"PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPER!!!" The Pied Piper looked rather shocked when he suddenly popped back into existence right in front of James. Well, he looked shocked for all of two seconds before he realized that, like Wile E. Coyote, he was standing on nothing and having looked down began to plummet earthwards. Then his expression morphed into a combination of terror and what Trickster thought might be exasperation. And really, stupid unnecessary reformation or not, he couldn't let that free fall get to the sudden stop. Piper had once, when he'd been unusually into his cups, admitted rather wistfully to James that he envied him. Turned out the Music Man had always wanted to fly.
It was as simply as wishing. And truthfully, the expression on Piper's face when he realized what he was doing and that James had made it possible, mostly made up for the really wretched day he'd been having. Because Hartley was his best friend, reformed or Rogue, for better or worse, through thick and thin, like peanut butter and jelly. Maybe magic wasn't so bad after all...but it still didn't hold a candle to rubber chickens.
Awesome Trickster!
How can I repay you?^^
Prompt: Pirates! Or more creepy fic. Whichever tickles your fancy ;)
you´re not alone, we all are that way^^
Pirates! Or more creepy fic. Whichever tickles your fancy ;)
great, now I have to choose between prompts?! How can you do this to me?!
"Arr, my mateys! We shall plunder and rob! The town is ours for the taking!" hollered Digger the Deadly. The Shirley had finally reached Port Nassau and his men were tired of the long journey. They itched for excitement, for fights, for ladies - in short, a proper plundering was in order.
"Aye!" his men agreed. Their blacksmith Mick had repaired any damage to their rapiers, all guns were properly working and loaded - what could stop them?
"Captain! Captain!"
"Arr, what´s the matter, mast monkey?"
The blond man hanging upside down from their sail scowled. "The British army, captain! Commander Allen is already here! The Justice is in the harbor!"
Digger the Deadly spat ut in disgust. Those damn redcoats were a pest....but nothing better than a pack of pirates to take care of them; both Allen and his annoying lieutenant West.
"Guys - do what we do best! Mick, arm the cannons! Al, fetch the gunpowder. This city will see a firework like never before!"
ha, I´ll do both!
Wally stood in the hallway of the courthouse, half-hidden in shadows. Subtlety wasn´t exactly his strength, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Piper had confessed that he was worried about Jesse. At first he had shrugged it off - Piper was known for being a drama queen, after all. But Wally had wondered... why didn´t he smile? Why didn´t he dress in his insanely bright pants anymore? Why...what had changed him? Death was the obvious answer, but something was off, Wally could feel it. There was a slight discomfort everytime he saw Jesse, a chill traveling down his spine. He had felt a thing like that before....but when? He had witnessed so many dangers, monsters, demons....demons. Hell. Neron.
Of course! He himself had had a deal with Neron before and as Piper told him, Neron had a huge interest in Jesse. And when the devil is interested in you... that is a bad sign. Death, hell, sinister change... it all made sense!
He remembered the last time Rogues had returned from Hell - red, soulless eyes, indestructible bodies, no feelings, no regret, no remorse.
But when they had used blunt violence and destruction... Jesse was different. Jesse worked with his brain, not brawn. Not strength, shrewdness. Jesse operated on a different level.
And that scared Wally.
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