
Apr 01, 2004 15:55

So, last night I ordered an Xbox. Mind you, I have absolutely no time to use such a device (unless I bring it to work... hmmmmm) but I got one. It was free by the way. It caused me quite a moral dilemma last night.

My old company had a "points" system in place with a vendor which granted us free stuff for buying lots of stuff. When the system was first put in place it was pathetic - our company averaged like 12 points a month (in contrast my Xbox was over 100,000) so nobody else in the company even bothered to sign up. As more product was added to the qualified purchases, they accumulated points much more rapidly (averaging nearly 10,000 point per month now). Suddenly the system was pretty slick. I got a MIDI keyboard to promote my musical urges last year, and I was saving up points like crazy for bigger and better things - then I was laid off.

Here comes the moral dilemma - when I was laid off I had plenty of points to get the Xbox but they had none in stock. Last night was the first night I've checked that they have been back in stock... but there were nearly 200,000 points saved up by now. I don't work for them anymore so I don't feel entitled to those extra points but there was some really cool stuff to get with them! I'm the only one other than the vendor who even knows the company is even signed up too...

In the end, I was a good boy. I only redeemed for what I felt I was entitled to, and what I had originally intended to get when I was laid off. But what happens now? I'm still the only one who knows about this program, heck it's in my name. It's conceivable I could end up working there again in which case I'd gladly jump on them. But if that never happens these could really add up... I mean at a million points they are talking vacations and plasma TV's and stuff.

Greed, temptation, jealousy... their path to the dark side will lead you.
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