Last Weekend's Movie Reviews

Jul 24, 2009 23:15

My Sister's Keeper

This movie was made by the makers of The Notebook. So I was expecting to bawl my eyes out, but it wasn't quite as heart wrenching. I mean the movie theater got quiet and there were sniffles, but nothing major. The movie was good and bittersweet. Not much to say. A girl has cancer and is tired of it and wants her mom to just let her die. The best part of the experience was the man sitting next to me. He was loud and obnoxious before the movie and was getting his like 10 year old son all riled up. He had also brought his teenage daughter (*which he made it clear that this movie outing was for he*). The man was counting the number of males in the theater and would proudly let them know that "Hey buddy, you are the tenth guy here. We gotta stay strong." This loud man also had one of those voices that carry even when they are I was really worried that he was going to ruin the move. As soon as the opening credits start, he quiets down his boy and is quiet. The man was quiet the whole movie...then he start mopping his forehead with a napkin because it was hot in the theater. But then I heard a sniffle from him. And I saw Ali look over at him and smile. HE WAS TEARING UP! HOW CUTE IS THAT!

Transformers 2

If you like the first one you will like the second one. There were some parts where I was like "Come on! That isn't necessary." I mean yes that happened in the first one too but this one was worse. There were more robots in it more often. So, that was a big plus to me. I was talking to a work friend, Luke, and he and I both really like the low, organic, yet metallic hum the Transformers have. One funny thing though is that Optimus Prime is pretty much sleeping the whole movie then wakes up to get an upgrade and then save the day. LOL!

Harry Potter 6

Just like all the others. Had some truly amazing affects or emotion evoking images. But overall? Meh. In fact, I think the kids' acting abilities are getting worse rather than better which is what I was hoping for.


Super fun! I may have liked it better than the book! There were some long mushy chapters that I felt were summed up nicely. It's quick paced, adventurous/dangerous, and sexy. Also they don't draw the movie out. I hope the sequel is as well done.
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