Jan 04, 2014 12:12
2013 was really, really hard for me. Lots of old wounds opening, and a few new ones. I think this is worth doing, but sometimes I'm not sure.
1. Go backpacking again. Maybe 2 nights??
Nope. Though Brian and I did camp in his truck on the side of a road, which I enjoyed.
2. Yoga more often. Maybe even go to a class at People's Yoga?
Ha! Way to have my yoga stuff sit at work for like 4 months and never go across the hall! Trying again.
3. Volunteer somewhere -- probably the co-op, but maybe somewhere else.
Nope. These were some ambitious goals for me.
4. Learn more about alternative forms of property ownership.
Not really, though I thought about it.
5. Build some new long-term goals.
I did this! I am trying to save up for a down payment on a condo as a step towards property ownership!
6. Keep digging through my past. Lots of things are buried in those Cambria woods.
This is going to take more years.
7. Figure out how to make deep friendships outside of an institution.
Yeah, i have no idea.
8. Make more art.
I made a few things. At least I didn't completely stop.
9. Start learning a new skill. Ideas: stained glass, pottery, needle tatting, pattern drafting, a complex pattern for a full sized quilt...
I've been cooking more.
10. Be less afraid of failing.
11. Streamline my wardrobe. Figure out the gaps, but have less things.
Still in progress, but I'm doing better.
12. Learn what kind of love he needs from me.
I'm learning.
13. Work on feeling like I have a family (building one/ recognizing what I already have).
I've done some recognizing of what I DON'T have.