it's the first tuesday after the first monday in november, you all know what that means.....

Nov 07, 2006 10:58

I follow politics pretty closely. Like most everyone, I've heard the stories about how the Dems are going to win and hopefully we'll see the end of the GOP reign that we've been subjected to. And then the world will be a better place, right?

Remember, it was the Dems who allowed Bush to have his unfettered power to do as he wished in Iraq. It was Bill Clinton who cut welfare to shreds in the 90's. Life is not suddenly going to be better for everyone. Sure, maybe the most gratuitous and obvious civil rights violations perpetrated by the GOP will be repealed. Don't think that it will signal the end of all of them though. Dems voted for the Patriot Act as well.

There is only one thing that gives you political power in this country, and it is not a vote. It is cash dollars. If you don't have them, you have nothing. A vote in this election, like in any other election, is a vote for this system of politics in which money is the number one motivator, where all politicans are held in debt to the corporations who pay for them to be elected.

Please, don't vote.
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