I'm in the cavernous and disorientating science library on the maths campus trying to read my thesis (submitted at end of August). For the past week I've had a headache, on and off, and it's been really windy outside. The whistling of the wind around this circular building isn't helping my head at all, which is a pity as I should really be concentrating on reading my thesis.
I've worked in this library, for years and I still can't find my way around it. The main source of the problem is the fact it's circular and the main features inside the building work to confuse your orientation. Going up one floor you leave via a door on the outer rim and work your way up little staircases at acute angles to each other then enter the next floor having orbited the rim some small and totally unknown amount. The bookcases arranged like spokes on a wheel further serve to confuse by blocking any view to the windows. The net result being you're never walking in quite the direction you think you are and end up wandering. At least the library is fairly small and you find your way back to your desk eventually.