Oh, how I miss this shit...

Jul 28, 2007 15:20

I'm sitting here, watching G4's live coverage of 2007 Comic Con. So far, I've seen the teaser trailer and a production still from The Dark Knight (Heath Ledger might actually turn out to be a brilliant casting decision), info on the Iron Man movie (can Robert Downey Jr actually pull this off?), casting info on the JJ Abrams Star Trek flick (w00t! That's all I'm gonna say at this point), set interviews from the Indy 4 flick w/ Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Ray Winstone, Shia LaBeouf and KAREN ALLEN!

Currently awaiting Zach Snyder promoting Watchmen (though I've never read the comic, I'm totally psyched for this and have also seen that Jeffery Dean Morgan has been cast, YAY!).

Makes me sit here and remember all the fun times I've had being a geek. I have not been quite as hardcore in recent years.

Oh I've actually gone to more cons since those Comic Con days in '04 but I have not fully embraced the geek/nerd in myself in a long time. He feels neglected methinks. So I'm off, to be a total nerd for the rest of the day. I'm going to finish watching the Comic Con footage whilst surfing the web, then I'm going to watch last night's Doctor Who, then I'm going to listen to more of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows audiobook. :)

Then, I may surf the web some more. ;)
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