Anime Central Weekend!

May 11, 2007 10:59

Ahhh, that was nice. I got to sleep in this morning! Yay for vacation days! Yay for vacation days so you can go get your geek on at a con! w00t! :)

Yes, this weekend is Anime Central. Aside from the fact that I STILL have no received my pre-reg'd badge (which I paid for back in FEBRUARY), I am excited. This will more than likely be the only year I go to this one though. I have little respect for poorly planned events. Especially ones that have been going strong for 10 years and they still don't have enough sense to make sure people get their badges.

K, done ranting now. Promise. ;)

So I'm going to go be an Otaku for the weekend, meet some VAs, see some cool panels, and drink lots and lots of alcohol! :)

Wish me Fun! :D
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