app for languish

May 10, 2011 13:50

Name | Ame
Personal Journal | moeism
Contact | AIM @ unyields

Name | Takeshi Yamamoto
Series | Katekyo Hitman REBORN!!
Canon Point | Chapter 335
Reference | Bam
Age | 14
Gender | Male/Male
Appearance | I don't think he'll change that much appearance wise - he practically looks 18 anyway. However, I'd say he'd probably turn out a little taller (this boy keeps growing like a tree, I swear) and probably fill out a bit more in terms of muscle.
Personality |
After getting to know Yamamoto for the first five minutes, you'll probably come to at least five conclusions about him:

A. He is dumb.
B. He is obsessed with baseball.
C. He is obnoxiously happy.
D. He is obsessed with baseball.
E. Everything is just a game.

For all intents and purposes, Yamamoto is really just your average and friendly teenage boy who lives in Japan and just so happens to love baseball. To the point where he is pretty much the hero of Namimori Middle's baseball team and... nearly committed suicide when he broke his arm during practice one day.

Yeah. Just. Anyway.

To any other person, a broken arm is really not a big deal. But to Yamamoto, that was equivalent to Armageddon. Yamamoto's dream ever since he was a kid was to become a professional baseball player. His grades in school were okay at best, but baseball was truly where he shined. His devotion to baseball is nearly the same as Gokudera's devotion to Tsuna, or his father's devotion to kendo, and he spent hours during the day practicing. A broken arm was a severe stunt in his goal to going pro and that devastated him to no end. Fortunately, Tsuna (technically, Reborn since he was the one who forced Tsuna to in the first place and is the root of all evil) managed to save him and in turn, received Yamamoto's undying loyalty for all of eternity. Which you'll be pretty much stuck with forever.

And that's how he starts off, as comic relief- the dumb jock that literally laughs at everything, who always has a smile on and seemingly does not know how to get angry. He's warm, he's caring, and he's pretty much everything you'd want in a friend. He's like that for most, if not all, of the daily life arc, and his sort of wide-eyed innocence and goofy (almost impossible) sense of obliviousness serves as a nice balance between Tsuna's eternal fail and Gokudera's eternal rage. Yet, it's during this early, silly period that you actually get to know Takeshi and suddenly, out of nowhere, you realize that he's not so dumb after all. It's in the way he takes on Lancia, seeing through his technique before any of the others can; in the way he masters his father's kendo technique in a matter of a week; it's even in the way he always manages to find some sort of way to defeat his opponents without fatally wounding them. Even when facing an impossible enemy like Squalo, the famed Sword Emperor, he's still all smiles and walks in calmly and full of belief in everything that his father taught him. And though he's mocked at and beaten, he never gives up hope and faith, and that is ultimately what gains him the upper hand... and Squalo's tutelage ten years into the future.

Really, it's the sort of intelligence that totally sucker punches you in the face and it's at that point that Yamamoto is finally on the cusp of manhood.

And it's not long after this realization that Yamamoto starts fleshing out to be a well-rounded character. Sure, he's still clueless and oblivious and thinks the mafia is one huge game, but there are times when that naivety disappears into maturity in a drop of a hat. It has to, especially in the world ten years later, especially in the world ten years later, when he's given up his dreams of going pro and is in his prime as Tsuna's Rain Guardian, battling against impossible enemies who killed his father, dealing with missions where he can't exactly get away with just knocking out his opponents with the blunt edge of his blade. It's here that we see the slightly more jaded, more weary side of him that is not only expressed in the scar he now bears on his chin, but in his smile that the rest of the characters have grown so accustomed to. His humor is still there, and many of Yamamoto's traits are still present; however, Yamamoto doesn't hold back his punches anymore (he takes out a mobile suit with just one strike when he makes his debut in the Future arc), and it's here that we see the results of all his growing. It's when the game really starts getting serious; it's the tie-breaker, the home run that means all or nothing.

His strength doesn't just lie in his physical skills, but he's a terribly fast and adaptable learner. It's almost kind of terrifying; underneath the bright smile and laughter lies the skills of a natural born assassin. And while some may think that talent is wasted on someone like Yamamoto, it's really no surprise (almost ironic, even) that it would come so easily to him. The main thing about Yamamoto is, he's always dependable. People can rely on him to get the job done and get it done right, to be the one that holds the group together. Yamamoto is all about teamwork and cooperation; which he doesn't fail to attempt to beat into Gokudera's head when the latter withdraws into himself and starts pushing everyone away. And he does it with such ease; though his naturally warm and friendly disposition probably helps with that and everything he does is always for his friends. Overall, Takeshi is a kind and caring person, in that normally awkward transition from boy to young man- awkward for everyone else, but nothing is awkward for Yamamoto. He takes everything in stride and that takes a certain grace and intelligence that not too many have.

Possessions | Yamamoto will have the clothes on his back, his Shigure Kintoki (a shinai that transforms into a katana when wielded with the Shigure Souen Ryu), his box weapon, and his necklace (an upgraded version of the Vongola rain ring).

Character Abilities/Powers |

Shigure Souen Ryu (Shower in Late Autumn; Blue Swallow)
The most important of Yamamoto's abilities is his kendo style, the Shigure Souen Ryu, that has been passed down to him from his father. Reborn states that "Shigure Souen Ryu's four defensive formations and four offensive formations make up eight forms that allow response in accordance with the circumstances", which means it takes a certain adaptability and dexterity to wield it to its full potential. Although the forms make use of water, Yamamoto is able to summon flames of the Rain attribute, thus as long as he uses his box weapon to fight he can use the techniques just about anywhere.

Asari Ugetsu (Morning Moon Obscured by Rain)
After his training with Squalo in the future arc, Yamamoto acquires a new four-sword style: Asari Ugetsu (or "How to Kill People With A Bird, A Dog, and A Bamboo Sword"). It mostly involves the use of Jirou's (Yamamoto's other box weapon companion) three short-swords, which look like lightsabers made out of rain flames. His speed and agility are off the charts and it's a wonderful way to show how badass he's become. However, as Jirou and Kojirou are currently unavailable, Yamamoto will not be able to use this sword style.

A comprehensive list and descriptions of both the Shigure Souen Ryu forms and Asari Ugetsu can be found here. (Note: the links on the page directs to the onemanga site, which is unfortunately not hosting scans of the manga anymore. Please don't click them! If you'd like me to provide more examples, feel free to let me know!)

Physical Strength & Mobility
Yamamoto possesses the makings of a natural born assassin - coupled with his athleticism, he's got fast reflexes and can pack quite a punch in his hits. Put a katana in his hands, and he'll cut up everyone faster than you could blink. He's also an equally fast learner and is pretty observant in analyzing enemy strategies.

IN SHORT, YAMA IS KICK ASS IN BOSS FIGHTS. But he will probably be the only person to pause in the middle of one to cuddle his dog.

Weaknesses/Fears |
Yamamoto is all about the safety of his friends, he will pretty much do anything to help them and keep them save. As such, the easiest way to get him to lose his cool and get serious would be to mess with them. He functions well under pressure, but occasionally he puts a little too much faith in his abilities and sometimes misjudges things in terms of his enemies' abilities (this is pretty apparent in his first fight with Genkishi). When he learns something new the first time, he has a tendency to rely heavily on it and use it as a crutch; during his fight with Squalo, it takes him the whole battle to figure out the potential of his father's kendo technique, and its fluidity to change in different battle situations.

Since animal companions aren't allowed in this game, Yamamoto's abilities and techniques would be weakened: he will not be able to use Asari Ugetsu, nor will he be able to activate his new Vongola gear. In fights, he will be limited to his basic forms of Shigure Souen Ryu.

First-person |
[When the feed turns on, everyone gets treated to a nice view of a relatively ordinary asian boy. There's a brief look of concentration as he fiddles with the device for a second and once he's sure the video's working, he gives a cheery wave at the screen.][His grin turns a little sheepish here.]

Anyway, I managed to find a dojo here, so I guess this place can't be that bad! Still, I was kind of in the middle of something, so if there's any way to go back, I'd really appreciate it if you let me know.

But just in case - Tsuna? Gokudera? Anyone else from the home team present?

Third-person |
It was one thing to wake up in a foreign bed (soft sheets that weren't his own underneath his fingertips, the scent of clean linen that wasn't the generic brand of detergent they kept in the base assaulting his nose), but another thing entirely to have no memory of getting into said bed. His eyes were still closed, and aside from the minute tensing of his muscles revealing his consciousness, it was as if he never woke at all.

Yamamoto kept his breathing in check, not sensing anyone else in the bed next to him. He opened his eyes then, sitting up and glancing around. It wasn't the base, nor was it the island where the Shimon Family's base was located and as he looked down at himself, he was still wearing the same clothes he was wearing a few moments ago. It was brighter than he expected and though his surroundings were pretty unfamiliar, he took comfort in the house's bamboo construction. It reminded him of the tatami mats back in his father's sushi restaurant.

Still, he wasn't where he was supposed to be and he knew he had to get back as soon as possible; with half the team was gone and held by the Vindice, they were hurting for people and now that Daemon Spade managed to obtain control of Mukuro's body, things were going to get dangerous.

But his thoughts were interrupted by another man (weird, he was pretty sure he was the only one in the room a moment ago), handing him a map and device. He tried to listen closely to what he was saying, but unfortunately, most of it went through one ear and out the other. Except:

"Haha, wait a minute. What do you mean I can't go back?"

languish, ooc, app

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