Dec 31, 2009 22:46
I would almost say the PSP version of FFT is harder than the original, except that that is silly. I don't even know, man. I'm sitting at the beginning. I'm talking, I can walk between Gariland and Eagrose and that's it. I don't have the money to buy anything, because people kept dying, and I can't win a(singular) battle to get the money to buy some potions, because my chemist doesn't have the JP to buy the phoenix down skill so I can keep people from dying. And I can't let anymore people die because I don't have the money to hire new people.
Meh, it is new year's. I go back to school in 11 days. I should quit WoW again. My druid's healing gear is almost as good as it can possibly be via badges and 5 mans. And I sit there and go, "AWESOME. Now what do I do with it? *shrug* I guess I'll go farm more badges for my feral set."
Although being a geared restoration druid, I can AFK heal! I drop hots on the tank, hit wild growth now and then and just... go read a book or something. Usually I just DPS.
Feral druid pvp is just hilarious, though. My feral gear's not good, really, but it's enough that I can bear the shit out of people. I jumped on a warrior in Wintergrasp the other day, and killed him at 100 percent hp. Poor son of a bitch couldn't outdamage my improved leader of the pack. He had tenacity 3, and 35k hp.
That's about it for right now.