Invitation to this Sunday's Super Queer Service at UU Northampton

Mar 12, 2010 16:48

“Living the Welcoming Congregation - In Our Own Voices”

March 14 2010 - Services at 9:15 and 11am (Remember to move your clocks ahead 1 hour!)
Featuring music by Evelyn Harris, The Pioneer Valley Gay Men's Chorus, Jesse Molina, and arjuna greist

- Stories of identity and experience from our GLBTIQ members
- A special coffee hour, exciting decorations, a super-cool kid's book, and more!

Children, ages 3 through 12 or so, are welcome to visit in Religious Education Classes while you are in worship! For more information about RE, message USNF DRE or the Big Ol' Gay Committee! You can even find us on facebook.

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Northampton is a welcoming congregation located at 220 Main St. in Northampton, between City Hall and Memorial Hall. The building is accessible, (side entrance) and has gender-neutral restrooms. FMI see or

x-posted lots of places, apologies if you see this a bunch.
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