Blah i don't know why i still write in this thing

Oct 07, 2006 22:05

Thought i would update im not gunna make this long at all because i don't really like writing here for the simple fact that no one ever reads it so i don't see a point in doing so i might make this my last so hope you people who do read enjoy.

* First off let me start with wednesday well an old school mate of mine david bova added me on my space.. well he had me on his friends list back in december but i guess he had to delete it because he had a jealous girlfriend at the time and she made him delete his my space. Anywayys soo wednesday he adds me and messages me and we talked backforth on my space for alittle bit then we exchanged aim sn's and talked for awhile on there til like 3:30am. The next day we talked again and we discussed like shows and movies we used to like when we were younger and i just so happen to mention that i love pippi longstocking(the movie not the cartoon) yeah i told him i would like to find it someday down the road and maybe by it and stuff.. and he sent me the link to the movie on amazon and i was like ooohh i wish i had money... he then said whats your address... i didn't even think anything of it and i asked why he wanted my address and he said it was something to do with google or something like that so i gave him the address and stuff he then continued to say okay.... i lied im gunna buy it for you... i was just like um.. and i thought he was just messing around with me and he sent me the confirmation of the purchase and was kind of left speechless i didn't even know what to think i mean grant it was only like 10 bucks but it was still cool and nice. I never had anyone whom i never talked to in school and never hungout with buy me my favorite childhood movie. So i dunno it was just wicked nice.

*Okay moveing on so thursday i hung out with liz we walked around to salvation army so i could see some of the people i used to work with and catch up with them. After that we crossed the street to walgreens because i never been there before so i thought it was a good time to go seeing in how it was right next door lol. After that we just went back to her house because it was closer i didn't stay there long though went home alittle after 5. Friday we hungout around 9 and went to mcdonalds and walgreens again. After that we just said fuck it to walking to my house and took a cab back here. We didn't do all that much took random photos and shit. The next day we went walking again to jreck subs and let me tell you thats a long fucking walk we ate alittle bit then walked over to a trip on the wild side so she could by a bowl. I noticed when we were walking that there was a sharp pain in my toe and i really didn't want to walk back to my house with my toe killing me so i called my house and no one picked up then i thought i'd try again and leave a message my dad picked up and i asked him he could and he said okay... but my mom ended up picking me up and she wasn't too happy about that she bitched about it the whole way home and stuff.. ahh oh well. She got her nap in and then me,my sister, and my mom went up to the mall for a bit. and that was my day today.

*As for other stuff i guess theres alot of shit going on at heather and brits apt. ever since heather and brandon broke up all hell kind of broke loose. Brit called me yesterday and told me they called the cops on him. I guess he was trying force heathers cellphone out of her hand and shit and wouldn't leave her alone. So she called the cops but he left and not only a minute later the cops came and they gave them there statements and they went down to mcdonalds(he worked that day) and arrested him. So yeah its been hectic around there.. crazy were not sure if he still is there who knows.

thats basically it i hope whoever reads this enjoyed my last entry.. i might someday write here again who know but for now im putting this thing to rest i see no purpose in having it if no one even bothers to look at it. So yeah so long peoples
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