Jan 27, 2009 00:21
Now that the year is in full swing, I have to keep on top of my tasks. I never had to come up with a resolution, because I have too much going on this year and lord knows I don't have room for anything else.
The resolutions came down to two items:
1. Finish my Masters Degree aka do the thesis
2. Run the marathon aka get back into shape.
So there's two big things that will likely encompass everything else I want to do this year.
This scans down into the following tasks:
1. Write 1250 words a day to just brainstorm about the topic. I'm still in planning mode, and I'll get into heavy research soon.
2. Run. Run run run run run. This week's goal is 3 miles four times.
So tomorrow I have to get up, run and then write or the reverse.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And that's not including going to school or finishing assignments.
My life is going to be so boring for the next nine months.