Jan 21, 2005 09:41
Is there any type of meat product lines and dairy product lines that are more "animal friendly" then the big agribusinesses?(if thats a word.. you know what i mean) I hate how the animals have to suffer and have a HORRIBLE life before getting eaten.. I always thought small farmers raised them good and they had good lives and then they killed them.. it might be messed up thinking but I would feel SOOO much better if I knew I was eating an animal that had a happy life or didnt suffer like all the animals they raise now.. I got a pamplet from school and iplaywithfrogs has told me about how aweful it is.. and it really makes you MAD!! I dont understand why we cant eat meat from small farmers where they animals had been happy and the farmers cared about the animals... Is there a product line out there like this?? There should be.. im sure there is??