damn you. haha I haven't lived there in over a year. You should be friends with Nonsequiter (see comments at bottom of page) though, he lives there. Portland is VERY femme phobic. I hated it. I hope you have a better experience.
damn you for moving! and i want to be notified when you pay a visit. i know of him and will friend him. that's so disheartening to hear it's femme phobic... how so?
Oh my...well, do you know other femmes there? lol There were a few I guess but not many. My first experience was at the Dyke march when the femme mafia was literally harassed, called names and/or blatantly ignored. Then I moved there, and people talked a lot of shit, warning my lovers that "femmes are trouble" etc etc. Its very andro/genderqueer/boy centered. Which is fine, if you are not a femme. You will definitely know when we will be in your town dear, I promise. xox
that would be so nice to have a fucking fabulous femme friend here, but i just moved here 2 months ago!
You will definitely know when we will be in your town dear, I promise.
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