First things first, though. What is with my annoying storytelling bin not organizing the pictures by date? ARGH. It's quite annoying trying to find gen 1 in the midst of gen 3 >O
.. Anyways. :D
This is Lithium, with a much better sense of style. ;D See the nookie? Eh? Eh?
And then.. KABLAM. She was the CUTEST CHILD EVER CREATED. <3 Love for the Lithi! (Oh, ew, Rhen's in the background... >.>)
WHABLAM. Baby enn-oh fy-v. See, this is about where nothing interesting happens. Lithium goes on being cute, Antimony goes on being sexy, Rhenium goes on being ugly.. the other two keep annoying me.. >.>.. To ease your boredom, however..
.. <3
And then..
and then..
and.. then..
We have Cesium.
Who I seem to have took no pictures of whatsoever. Oh, fudge. >.> THIS AIN'T GOOD.
HAVE A PICTURE OF LITHIUM INSTEAD 8D (Actually, for all I know this could be Cesium.. since they all look alike..Cough.)
WAITPHEW. Okay. I didn't take any of her as TODDLER. But I found one in which I accidentally called her her sister ^.^'
Yo. Everybody say hello to the magically-childed Cesium, who is sadly cuter than Lithium. :( You'll see why right about..
Not yet, fool! I found another one of Cesium! -hits rewind- Here's Lithium and Cesium being cute playing <3
Did I mention? Thallium teen'ed.
Man, if only that suit weren't so school-looking, he'd so be FBI material.
Thallium: -blank look-
Me: -wiggles eyebrows-
OHAND. One of Antimony playing with Cesium. :D She's so popular.
NOW. The cheekbones, THE CHEEKBONES. KILL ME NOW. Not precisely heir potential, but pretty. :D
Whoops. I.. uh.. missed it. >.> Wasn't paying attention to him and shoved him off to do something so I didn't have to pay attention and WHABLAM. Icky old fart.
Mildred, however, doesn't seem to care. o.x
RIGHT before this, however..
We have THAT. It's called Selenium, but you can't see because the glitter hates her. :D And why does the glitter hate her? BECAUSE SHE'S A FREAKING CLONE. Of Lithium, at that. Now, WHY would she want to be a clone of Lithium? It's like getting to be an angel until you turn fifteen, and then getting to be the spawn of a misguided gnome. Stupid child. >.>
Despite my rabid hatred of her cloneness (Six kids and the last one is the only clone? I feel lucky, actually.) Selenium is rather pretty. At the moment. >.> Notice any similarities from Lithium?
SCHMOOTBOOT. Haha, Rhenium's in the background with my exact expression.. "Why, WHY?!"
That, of course, leads me into the inevitable..
<3 Heir Numero Uno!
Stuff-in-the-Sim-bin Numero Uno!
You get this picture as well because it cracks me up everytime I see it <3 It's like she's hating her own ugliness.
Me: -laughing insanely-
Rhenium: -twitchspazz-
I sent her off to the Sim bin before she could annoy me anymore with her crying about not going to college. >.> Weenie. Antimony did, too, but I *ahem* found him better things to do.
Right about here, I sent Lithi and Thall off to perma- college. Almost immediately after, Cesium became a teen, and I sent her off to HOMGHACKEDSPEED college as well. Selenium eventually became a teen and followed her cloned sister. Next time I feel like writing, you get to find out about gen. two! If you're nice I might even give you pictures of the rejects non-heirs as YA's ;D
In case you haven't noticed, I have no foresight whatsoever and find the pictures as I'm writing this. :D Brilliant, eh? I'm sick of digging around my organization-lacking storytelling bin and need time to go laugh insanely, so instead of pictures, you get.. STATS. (Buahaha and the like.)
Family -- Golden Anniversary
10 Neat
0 Outgoing
5 Active
0 Playful
9 Nice
Make-up / Red hair
Facial makeup
Family -- Captain Hero
6 Neat
3 Outgoing
6 Active
7 Playful
6 Nice
Fatness / Glasses
Red hair
Antimony -- Heir 1
Knowledge -- Criminal Mastermind
8 Neat
3 Outgoing
10 Active
0 Playful
9 Nice
Make-up / Red hair
Black hair
Wealth -- Earn $100,000
6 Neat
0 Outgoing
6 Active
4 Playful
9 Nice
Pleasure -- Celebrity Chef
10 Neat
0 Outgoing
6 ACtive
4 Playful
5 Nice
Formal wear // Vampirism
Philosophy Major
Romance -- Hall of Famer
10 Neat
1 Outgoing
10 Active
0 Playful
10 Nice
Cologne // Fitness
Blond hair
Drama Major
Cesium -- Heir 2
Family -- Have 6 Grandkids
2 Neat
0 Outgoing
10 ACtive
9 Nice
Vampirism // Red hair
Black hair
Political Science Major
Pleasure -- Celebrity Chef
Glasses // Hats
Art Major
Note the dual heirs. ;D I knew I had to have Antimony as heir, but then Cesium grew up and I was like OHSNAP, she can't just sit in the Simbin! So I took both. :D Because I'm good like that. <3