i told you............
told you that don't play with the fire or it will burn you. and now????
i am so diappointed... >.> not angry, but disappointed. and it feels worse.
YOU are one of my two best friends! NO ONE knows me but YOU do!!!! YOU know that you should be careful when i say 'don't play with the fire!', but no, this time you just nodded smiling. fuck....
hell, i should shut my fucking mouth up... i'm getting bored... always saying '"i told you!' is getting boring after a long time. several times it is funny.... like mocking. but now, it is not funny.....
i hate that feeling....
i hate the feeling of loosing your friendship -_____-
then: FiCs-
i have too many ideas... hell:
dorchicarequested two fics o_O until yesterday i only had idea for the chibi one... but then... couple of days ago i started to think about your Wishing Star *.*
- Lilien mentioned a ShouxSaga one.... hey grandma!- i have no idea what you want! *liar desu*
honestly i know it exactly >.> and i have idea too XDDD
- i should finish 'You Are Horrible'
o___O is there anything else?!
hell, it's 2 am -_-
i'm sleepy........