Oct 28, 2004 21:32
I've been drinking every single weekend since my birthday. Weekend before last, Bri and Josh (aka Bob) and I went to a haunted corn maze in Buckley. Bri and I downed a couple girly drinks in the car beforehand... like highschoolers. Then we braved the tall corn and scary people. It was lots of fun and the maze was pretty big too. Every time I loosened my grip around Bri's arm she screamed "Are you letting go, what are you doing!!!" Then on that Saturday night as everyone already knows, we all (me, bri, jason, josh, jeremy) went out to cowgirls inc. and Bri and I rode the mechanical bull (not at the same time of course... although I wanted to, hehehe). That was definitely some good times. This last weekend on Friday, a bunch of us... stefani, derek, justyn, josh, bri, joram, and I all went to see the Grudge. It was pretty good... there were some intense moments, hahaha. Then on Saturday Bri and I decided to have a "Ghetto Night"... ok it was mostly my idea and I pressured Bri into it. Especially the part about going to a bar in Milton. So we started out at the Milton Tavern and Josh accompanied us. The Milton Tavern closes at midnight on a saturday, hahaha. Then we moved on to P.J. Pockets in F.W. where we played some excellent games of darts. Afterwards we ended up crashing at Jeremy and Jason's place due to our extreme drunkenness... and sillyness. On Wednesdays I hang out with Stefani and on Thursdays I hang out with Sarah on campus and we find creative ways to kill lots of time. Stefani and I end up planning things and going to IHOP and costume shopping and regular shopping (buying all the same shirts). Last week Sarah and I went to this international exchange ice cream party and I met this Aussie guy... haha... that was just an irony because I went there with the intent of getting free icecream and meeting an Aussie. It's ironic because if I have the intent of doing things like that... they typically never work out for me. This week Sarah and I went to the psych majors halloween party (lame, but really tasty cookies). Then we went to this party in Anderson hall... and lots of people were there and in costume and there were two kegs!!! This is on campus... and it's not australia either, why didn't i know about events like this when I was actually going to uw? Anyway, that was fun.. good food too. So I refrained from drinking becuz i had to tutor afterwards. But sarah didn't like her beer that much so I was helping her... and I of course spilled it all over myself, so I probably smelled like beer later, hehe. I can't wait to see what this weekend's got in store.... Halloweeeeen!!!