Aug 19, 2005 22:00
I would go on about how long it's been since I've written on this thing, but I do that everytime. Atleast when I type these things they'll be meaningful. Actually they probably aren't going to meaningful I'll just write in it when ever I feel like it and I'm bored. THE POINT IS I'm going to just go on and write.
I want to write a story, several stories at that. I'd like to write one fictional story that kind of based on the things I think about it. I'm going to write about how the world is coming to an end. Because I was watching the news and listening to all the things that had happened and then listened to my mom talk to Frank about these murderers and stuff. On the news there was a guy who killed 10 people and they didn't sentence him to death or life in prison, but 127 years in prison. (I know he won't live but the fact they said 127 year instead of life.) Anyway that man killed these people and then the next story line was about this man who bought a prostitute and tortured her with these metal wires and whipping her. And he was a deacon or something at his church and he was the boy scout leader for his sons boy scout troop. Then I started to think how awful all of this actually sounded and it's like the story lines just kept adding on. It seemed like it was going to end. And you know God said in the bible that everyone would become really wicked and evil and bare all these sins and we would all die. What is this was it? What if God killed us all off because everyone is so wicked? Just think about dying and how awful it would all be. The next time he does this whole thing like he did with noah and the flood he's going to burn us all. Have you realized the sun is getting hotter as summer approaches each year and that we're all so washed up in sin? Well this all made me think of writing my story about being scared of what is going to come and not knowing what to expect. Thinking about burning to death and crying for help and wishing that I could escape and see life from an easier perspective. Why can't things just be simple again? It's really scary and I'd like to actually write my story so you could read what I am thinking. There are other stories, but this is the one I like.
love always,
chelsea l. dean