Smart people are a severe minority, you have to search to find them. Good shows don't exist around here, or very rarely at least. Normally the shows Mike books end up being half way decent though.
I am visiting Austin, Texas in a few weeks to see if I like it enough to move there. I've heard really good things, I'll let ya know how it turns out! haha
Good shows don't exist around here, or very rarely at least. Normally the shows Mike books end up being half way decent though.
I am trying to figure out if it's just around here or everywhere. I fear it is everywhere.
I am visiting Austin, Texas in a few weeks to see if I like it enough to move there. I've heard really good things, I'll let ya know how it turns out! haha
I'm gonna add you because I need to know more people around these parts that DON'T suck.
I'll add you back.
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