Depression Hits

Dec 29, 2005 02:01

It's been two weeks at home and I have hit the realization that I have no friends at home and it's really depressing. I remember back in high school I had a ton of friends who loved to hang out with me all the time and now that I'm in college, no one here wants to hang out with me.

I have no "hang out" spots, no friends (other than Kelsey) and it really sucks. So basically I sit at home doing nothing but sleeping and talking online and it really sucks. I need to move back to West Chester so that I can hang out with everyone who still lives there and in my new house where I can do whatever I want.

Yesterday I went skiing and it absolutly sucked. My boots were to tight and the slopes sucked cause it rained the night before so the whole day was a bust. That is until I went inside and bought some raffle tickets. Mountain Dew was there promoting their new energy drink and were giving away a ton of new ski's and shit like that. Guess who won a new pair of Mountain Dew Ski's? That's right... THIS GUY! So the whole day wasn't a bust, and if anyone wants to buy a new pair of Ski's... I'd be willing to talk about a price.

So tonight, Kelsey, my new little sister, and I went to see Fun with Dick and Jane. This new Jim carrey movie is great. Though it has some slow moments it's a really funny movie... Wolf Creek on the other hand, sucks. I downloaded it because I heard it was bad.. And well, it really sucks. The actors have such thick accidents it's hard to understand a single word that they say. The movie only gets good at the last half hour or so because that's when the violence starts.

Regardless, it sucks to be home and have one friend. I can't wait to be moved back into my house living with a lot of friends and having parties and chillin' with them again. I drive around town and wonder what happend to me? Why am I so depressed here? And I honestly have no answer for either... It sucks. I need to be at home in West Chester.

With that, I bid you all adieu

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