May 10, 2004 20:13
During Pathfinder Block, talking about prom...
[someone]: Who's doing your hair?
Erin: My friend
Dez: My sister
Ali: My friend's mexican exchange student.
...and then there was silence, shortly followed by laughter. T'was mildly amusing.
Well I've been driving quite a lot. I'm not very good at it, especially considering I'm learning on an automatic. Particularly bad at pulling into the drive way, I'm going to hit the PT one of these days...
Little Shop of Horrors is up and running, we've done four performances so far, four to go. The turn out hasn't been great, on the second night we only had about 7 people, but it's been fun (minus molestation and catty persons). My character's official name is Girl #3, couldn't be prouder. It's not everyone who gets the opportunity to say "You sounded sexier than the Wolfman".
Today was pretty unexciting, in the past week I've probably watched more movies in school than out. Been neglecting my musical genius and had to re-aline Chuck Berry's face. But things are definitely going to pick up, more performances, prom and parties!